another stupid meeting.

497 13 14

branch's pov:

"speak." bruce commanded.

me and jules had been sat on the couch. my brothers, poppy, and viva had gathered around.

i kept my mouth shut and pouted in my seat. jules looked pretty damn scared. jeez we were basically kidnapping her!!

"i'm sorry jules." i mumbled under my breath.

her eyes darted to me. "no problem." she grinned.

i managed a smile back.

"who is she!?" poppy demanded immediately.

i looked at jules for a second but she was no help so my eyes returned to poppy. "just a friend."

"search her down." poppy told viva firmly.

viva's hair whipped to life and searched every nook and cranny on jules. of course she pulled out that bag of oxy, those other pills we stole,
a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a half eaten pizza..

"i didn't get to finish it." she shrugged casually.

everyone around us gasped as they inspected the objects.

"branch did you.. did you smoke a cigarette?" floyd asked hesitantly.

"the better question is did he take oxy!!" clay exclaimed while flailing the bag in the air.

"where did you get this stuff?" john's eyebrows furrowed.

"woah, woah too many questions." i chuckled.

"how are you laughing right now!?" clay shouted.

"must be the oxy." i shrugged.

another wave of gasps washed over the room.

"branch.. i.. i can't believe you!!" poppy yelped with watery eyes.

"what's so hard to believe?" i said simply, clearly unfazed by the situation.

now poppy was bawling all over again.

"don't you care how we feel!?" floyd whined while waving his arms around in the air frantically.

"i'm an adult." i answered stiffly.

"adults don't run away from home! adults don't-" john dory was cut off by jules.

"if he ran away there must have been a reason. just saying." she said casually.

"who is this girl again?" clay asked between gritted teeth.

"who i am is none of your business. you can't keep me here. this is.. this is trollnapping!! same for branch." jules said before standing up.

viva immediately whipped her back onto her seat on the couch.

"hey!" jules exclaimed.

"you're not leaving until you promise to stay away from our brother." floyd growled.

jules looked at me. i shook my head mouthing the words 'please no'. jules nodded her head.

"no promises." she shrugged.

viva whipped jules with her hair once more.

"hey!! i'm the one who chose to take the oxy. she didn't force me. that was my choice." i exclaimed angrily.

"well clearly you haven't done anything like this before you met this troll. she must have done something to make you do it." bruce growled.

jules put her hands up defensively. "chill out."

john scoffed. "chill out? chill out!??"

"yeah. chill out." jules restated firmly.

now john took a step closer as if he was about to fight her.

"really john? your really going to fight her? your really going to fight a girl? hah. i wish i could say i expected more from you. but i really didn't. actually, i expected you guys to have fought a while before this. i guess you can congratulate yourself for that." now i stood up and was pointing at john accusingly.

"i.." john began.

he looked quite hurt. good. i'm glad that what i said hurt him. he deserved it. not just for what he was doing now. but what he did years ago. i know i told him that i had forgiven him. but i didn't. i hold grudges if you couldn't already tell.

now i was scanning over everyone. "i'm not a kid. i'm my own person with my own fucking choices. if i want to go out and smoke then let me!! john does. i'm sure you all know that. i can make my own bad decisions. that's kind of how you learn. you know what? i'm going to make another choice. and i'll probably learn from it later on like everyone else in this room. i'm kicking you guys out."

the whole room went silent. not even john dory had something to say.

"that's.. that's just your bi polar speaking.." floyd stammered.

"yeah. maybe it is. but i still said it, didn't i?"
i growled.

"where would we stay branch? come on! think this through!!" clay whined and flailed his arms up and down.

"i've done too much thinking here lately. i know what i said clay. and i stand by it. i'm kicking you guys out." i stated firmly.

"branchifer.." poppy whimpered.

i had completely forgotten about poppy. she was on the floor still bawling her eyes out. i couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness.

i rushed over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"it's for the best poppy." i mumbled.

poppy pushed me off. "maybe it's the best for you branch. maybe your okay with pushing everyone out of your life but i'm not!! i want to be with you branchifer. i want you on your meds. i want you back."

she held my arm tightly and cried into my shoulder. i had nothing else to do but pat her on the back.

i almost fell for it. i almost agreed to stop this nonsense and return to my family.

but i didn't.

i got up and looked over everyone once more.

"i'm leaving." i announced before turning to the elevator.

"where!?" floyd got up.

"none of your business." i growled.

"oh come on brother!.." bruce exclaimed and started walking towards me.

"don't call me that. i want to see you guys gone by the time i'm back." i ordered and pulled the lever.

the platform began going up and up and up.

the last thing i heard was: "what about me?" which probably came from jules.

i reached the top of my bunker and breathed in the fresh air.

it felt good to be out again.

well, until a bag covered my face.

i screamed but it was all muffled.

things just got darker and darker until i passed out.

thats the end!! btw to clear things up: veneer and velvet were one of branch's hallucinations. and it was bcuz of his bi polar n stuff. feedback helps!!

branch angstTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon