3.Journey of choices

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Aliya found herself facing the next morning with a sense of trepidation, the weight of her impending decision hanging heavy on her shoulders.

As she reflected on her own thoughts, she grappled with a myriad of emotions, realizing that she could no longer avoid the pivotal topic. The need to provide an answer to her parents loomed, and she harbored a profound hope that this decision would be the right one—a decision that would be in the best interest of not only herself but also Rami and her family.

Aliya understood that the cultural norm of arranged marriages was something she had to adhere to, but within herself, there was a lingering dissatisfaction. She refrained from discussing her reservations with her parents, not wanting to further upset them with topics they disliked or that might cause worry. Aliya harbored numerous secrets, concealed in the depths of her being, hopeful that someday, someone other than her parents would comprehend her and assist in unraveling these hidden truths.

At precisely 10 am, mere minutes after rousing from slumber, Aliya deliberately immersed herself in the therapeutic strains of music, a conscious effort to refresh her spirit. As she began her morning routine, there was a ritualistic check of her sleeping and anxiety pills, secreted away within the folds of her pillow cover.

Despite the shaky resolve that clung to her, Aliya navigated her way to the living room, a space that had witnessed countless familial interactions, both joyous and tumultuous.

"Good Morning, Dad and Mom." Aliya greeted her family, trying to lift up the mood.

"Morning, my princess." Her dad replied on seeing his lovely princess.

Taking a seat beside her Dad, adjacent to her mom Aliya spoke, "Dad, actually about marriage, I wanted to say that I-"

"Tell your daughter, we aren't going to listen to her rejections anymore. If she wants to talk about it again, then she can go back to her room,"
Mrs. Azlan, Aliya's mother spoke with a subtle undercurrent of disappointment and anger.

Aliya was a bit taken aback by how her mother seemed to dismiss her presence. This wasn't the first time she had experienced such disregard, but this instance stung more deeply.
Aliya knew how her mother never liked her being friends with Aneel or other boys or how her mother never liked her playing all sports that probably boys play, that's why she was also a bit habitual to her mother's undercurrent disappointment.
To please her mother and, in an attempt to reclaim a sense of femininity amidst the storm, Aliya had started wearing makeup—a small act of defiance against the constraints imposed upon her. Little did she know, the makeup, once a mere preference, now held a deeper significance as a symbol of her autonomy. Beyond just pleasing her mother, it became a source of confidence for Aliya.

But this time, Aliya was expecting her mom to support her in this big decision she was going to make.  Her mother's lack of support in this pivotal moment cut through her like a cold wind, intensifying the emotional struggle within.

"Mom, I was going to say, I am ready to start a new chapter of my life. I am ready to marry Rami. I am sure, as always, you both have tried to do the best on your end regarding this marriage."

Her dad, who knew their only daughter wasn't going to let them down, spoke, "That's what I was expecting from my daughter, Aliya. I'm so proud of you!" His words carried a weight of approval and reassurance, offering Aliya a fleeting respite from the emotional turmoil.

Aliyah's mother, perhaps surprised by the unexpected decision, expressed her contentment in a peculiar manner, "Did something hit your rock-like brain last night? That you suddenly started to make good decisions."

"Mooommm..." Aliya whined, "I need your hug too, and I've always made the best decisions."

Aliya withdrew from the embrace, her eyes reflecting both vulnerability and a plea for understanding. With puppy eyes, she made a heartfelt request to her parents, "Mom, Dad, can I see his picture again or meet him today?"

"Whose picture, Aliya? Look, honey, our daughter is trying to take matters into her own hands and wants to meet him today too," her dad teased her with a silly grin on his face, injecting a momentary lightness into the emotionally charged atmosphere.


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