Chapter 3: Valentino

Start from the beginning

"How repulsive."

You sighed, clearly unimpressed by the notion of being an idol. The fame and adoration of the masses were nothing but a bothersome nuisance to you.

"What a bunch of imbeciles," you muttered, brushing off the imaginary dirt from your attire. "I prefer the fear they used to have. It's more satisfying."

Makiana laughed at your disdain for the attention. "Well, darling, times have changed. You'll have to get used to the perks of being a celebrity in Hell."

You scowled. "I'd rather not."

As you both walked through the opulent halls, the demons working in the studio continued to gawk and fawn over you. The reactions were a mix of awe and adoration, and you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of irritation.

"You're suddenly losing your usual 'oh, I'm so calm, elegant, cool' persona after being literally worshipped earlier!" Makiana laughed amusingly at your expressions, and you glared at her, forcing a smile.

"I'm glad you find this amusing," you retorted, adjusting your demeanor as you continued navigating through the crowd. The constant attention was indeed grating on your nerves.

Makiana grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, (Y/N)! Admit it; you secretly enjoy the adoration."

"Hardly," you muttered, trying to maintain a sense of composure. The demons around continued to chatter excitedly, oblivious to your growing impatience.

As you approached Valentino's office, you took a deep breath, ready to set aside the annoyance and focus on the task at hand. The door swung open, and Valentino, the moth demon himself, stood there with an air of smug arrogance.

"Well, well, well! Look who graces us with her presence. (Y/N), the infamous storm demon. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Valentino greeted, eyeing you with a mix of curiosity and lust.

He approached you, grabbed your hand, and kissed it too passionately, even going so far as to lick it. You quickly pulled away your hand, glaring at him with a feigned grin on your luscious lips.

'Can I cut off my hand?' You thought dryly.

"How charming," you said sarcastically, then glanced at Makiana. Understanding the unspoken message, Makiana immediately left the room. You watched as Valentino's eyes followed her with a smirk on his lips.

"You seem to be already aware of my awakening and... visitation," you judged his tall figure as you spoke. Valentino grinned, relishing the attention he was getting from the infamous storm demon.

"I know enough. Fancy a drink, sweetheart? Whatever you want, I could give you~" His eyes trailed your figure shamelessly, and you resisted the urge to gouge his eyes out.

"Whiskey on the rocks." You shortly said and made yourself at home since the fucker surely wouldn't invite you to sit.

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