Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel

Start from the beginning

Yhwach: (Annoyed) This is hardly the time for your banter, Zaegar.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, but Yhwach, these little moments of banter are what make our bond so special. Don't you enjoy our talks?

Yhwach: (Ignoring Zaegar) I have more pressing matters to attend to.

While Zaegar continued to chuckle within Yhwach's mind, the Quincy King directed his attention to the individuals in the room.

Yhwach: Listen carefully, everyone. Our next steps are crucial, and we are about to enter the second phase of our plan.

He pointed at Raynare.

Yhwach: You and Blueberry will continue your jobs at the school to keep tabs on the Devils in secret. And make sure that no one finds out what you're really doing.

Yhwach looked over to Issei.

Yhwach: The healer and the failure will patrol the streets for anything suspicious. Make sure no Devil or Angel touches a human.

Issei and Asia nodded.

Yhwach: And as for you. I want you to get that Holy Sword no matter the cost. I don't want you to return here unless you have it with you.

Freed crossed his arms and gave him a smirk.

Freed: No problem Boss.

Yhwach: Good, We will begin tomorrow.

He said.

Raynare: So wait, what are you going to be doing then?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach turned his head towards her.

Yhwach: I am going to be here for a while since that bastard thinks he can keep tabs on me by sending someone here to supervise me.

He walked towards his chair and sat down picking up his book.

Raynare: Are you sure you will be alright since you used a lot of power after that match?

Raynare asked.

Raynare: I will be fine, so be ready for tomorrow because our journey to peace is coming very soon.

Raynare understood.

Everyone sat down and did their usual thing.

Freed was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

Freed: So Boss? I've been wondering? What would we do if the Devils, Angels and the Fallen are all joined up together and made an alliance?

Yhwach: Peace is our goal, our main goal. If that were to happen then there would be fewer problems to deal with if they all joined together as one. I know they will still use humans for there selfish needs.

Freed looked over to Yhwach. 

Freed: And if they didn't heed your warning then what?

Yhwach stopped reading his book and he closed it. He looked over to Freed. Everyone was waiting for what the Master would say.

Yhwach: I left a message to the entirety of Hell telling them that I stand above all. If they continue to take innocent humans to fight for them then there is only one choice.

Issei looked over to Yhwach.

Issei: And that would be?

Yhwach didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

Yhwach: I will start a war between all of the three factions.

Everyone was shocked to hear that. All of them had wide eyes as well.

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