chapter 2

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Nai pov

Its sunday night when I was reading the comments on my new youtube video which was just a get ready with me which consisted of me just talking to the camera. My fans thankfully loved these videos and im glad because I love making them it makes me feel more connected to my fan base

All of a sudden I get a text from a random number

Nailea? This is chunkz

I then began to go red out of excitement that chunkz was actually texting me and this wasnt a cruel prank from lily

Hello! Nice to hear from you. Heard about the video idea so excited

Glad you are! Ive told everyone and we're all extremely excited. I would love to have you down at the house so all of us can get to know you before the shoot heres the address ................. and we can go to the studio and start filming at 4?

Perfect! Cant wait to meet you all.

Likewise, have a great night :)

I turn off my phone for the night, grateful for Chunkz niceness. I then started thinking about tomorrow and got very anxious. I didnt know what i was gonna wear, or if theyll even like me when they meet me. I get up walking around my apartment trying to get myself to calm down. All of a sudden I appeared in my closet ripping it apart trying to find something suitable to film a beta squad video in.

The next minute I was laying on the floor with the rest of my clothing. I sighed as I got up and tried putting this mess away. After about 15 minutes everything was back to where I found it. I decided it was time for me to sleep and hopefully let my mind rest. I changed into white shorts and a white t-shirt, washed my face then hopped into bed, not knowing what to expect from the day ahead of me.

The next morning I woke up from a phone call. I huff in annoyance as i reached for the phone and laid it beside me putting it on speaker. It was lily on the other line

"Hello......nai did you fall asleep? I can hear your snoring through the call"

Pulling my blanket closer to my body i say "no, why are you calling this early" as my voice was still raspy

I then heard her laugh sayig "nai i hate to inform you but its 12, and the address he showed me is 30 mins from your house so i think you might wanna get up if your going to reach there by 2"

My body suddenly jolted up "my alarm didnt go off shit" i get up picking up my phone hearing lily laugh saying "well are you excited, i know i am" i smile grateful for my friend saying "yes, but nervous. Please tell me youll be there with me"

She sighs saying "i wish i could, but me and sam have plans" i nod saying "fine. Come over later tonight at 8 then. I wanna hear all about this date"

She happily agrees saying "sounds great, look go get ready and stay calm alright? Your great everything will be perfect." i thank her and we said our goodbyes as I started getting ready

I showered and did my hair and makeup

I then got changed into this

I filled my water bottle up then grabbed my keys,purse and phone as i ran out of the house noticing it was already 1:15

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I filled my water bottle up then grabbed my keys,purse and phone as i ran out of the house noticing it was already 1:15.

At around 1:50 I arrived at the house and it was pretty big. Different from my usual apartment life. I didnt realize but i was sat in the car for 5 minutes just trying to take this in. I shook my head getting out of the car whispering "you got this nai"

I decided to text chunkz not sure where to go

Hey, i just got here!

Awesome! Ill be right out

I smiled excited to finaly meet him. I see him approacing me, and waving saying "nai, welcome to the house I promise we're so excited to have you" I smiled almost blushing saying "im so appreciative that you guys invited me truly. Its a beautiful house"

He smiled as he hugged me, for some reason my nerves were gone. Chunkz had a calming presence to him and we got along well with our convos flowing.

We both started walking towards the door as we talked about our videos and just random things. Both of us laughing.

We entered the house as chunkz led us to the living room, sitting us both. He then got up "im just going to get everyone I believe there up in my room being twats" i laughed as I nodded

I heard him call everyone down thats when chunkz came back, with a familiar face behind him. I get up hugging Niko as he said "its nice to meet you, Nailea correct" i nodded before i hear someone behind him saying "come on niko, dont act like you dont watch her videos and dont already know her name" I laugh as i hug Aj as niko said "dont mind aj, our exterminator is late. But im Niko and this rat is aj"

I nodded saying "don't worry I'm a huge beta fan it's lovely to meet you both, im nailea" suddenly Kenny walks in saying "oh the amazing nailea we've heard about. Great to finally meet you. Im Kenny" I smile as he hugged me saying "the boxer correct?" all of a sudden aj says "well kinda but he rigs them" the two start  to go back and forth arguing as we sat down. I was sat between chunkz and niko. We were all talking and laughing when kenny said "sorry about sharky I dont know whats taking him so long" i shake my head saying "dont worry about it, im going to use the restroom ill be back"  niko and kenny then asked if i could bring them some water on my way back so I  nod while chunkz said "do you know where the bathroom is"

I nodded while getting up "dont worry ill find my way" i made my way through the guys as i walked through the house. I tried finding the bathroom, while searching my purse for my phone when i ran into someone which led to my purse falling. He picked it up for me as I said "oh my, I am so sorry i was trying to look for my phone" as i grabbed it out of his hand. He laughed a bit saying "dont worry about it i wasnt watching where i was going"

I nod saying "well you should be the infamous sharky ive been hearing about" he nods while smiling saying "and your nailea, truly im a fan of your videos"

I smile blushing a bit, noticing how attractive all his features are. I clear my throat saying "likewise, but thank you, i'm glad to be here"

The next couple seconds were a bit quiet as I broke it saying "sorry but do you know where the bathroom is" he nodded as he said "yeah follow me" he then led me to the bathroom as i smiled thanking him before going in.

Oh I am so happy to be here

We were now all chilling in the living room and all my nerves were gone, everything felt natural. Niko looked at me saying "nai i dont hear a english accent, where are you from" they all put their attention onto me as i said "well im from lebanon, but when i was in grade 8 i moved to new york for my dads job but 2 years ago me and my bestfriend lily moved here" they nod as chunkz said "so that means you speak arabic"

I nodded as aj said "can you say "kenny your a bitch" in arabic" i laughed as i leaned into the couch saying "kenny inta sharmouta" they all startd laughing as kenny looked hurt i apoligized as aj kept repeating the word "sharmouta"

Kenny trying to move on from the subject asked "nailea do you know the video were filming" i nodded saying "guess the singer correct" they nodded as niko asked "do you know how its set up" i nodded saying "dont worry beta squad ive done my research"

After a bit we decided it time to go to the studio. Me chunkz and niko took my car as aj kenny and sharky took sharkys car.

Chunkz sat beside me as he put the location in my gps. Niko asked for aux so i gave it to him as he played take care by Drake. We all sang as niko asked "so nai whos your favourite beta member" i rolled my eyes at him from my rearview mirror saying "well find out today but your not on a good start" they laughed as we all continued talking

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