chapter 3

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btw lily texted you saying she can't make it tonight

Nais pov
We arrived to the studio as i parked my car, i look and see Kenny parked second after.

We all walked in together and It was so cool to see the set up, all the cameras and the people. Ive never had a set up like this.

I was walking beside niko as he said "nai you alright there" i nodded looking up at him saying "yeah sorry just in shock, this seems so professional" he nodded putting his arm around me saying "dont worry nai it will be fun" he smiled as we both walked to the table

We sat Kenny, Chunkz, Niko, Me, Sharky, then Aj. we started recording as Niko said "hello everyone beta squad here with Nailea Qadir" they all clapped for me as i smiled and waved to the camera before chunkz said "now listen how does it feel to be in a beta video after begging for so long"

I laughed rolling my eyes playfully saying "this is my dream come true, its all ive ever wanted" aj sighed looking at the camera saying "you shouldve seen her begging us in our dms to be here, but us being the huge hearted people we are eventually caved in"

I laughed and nodded chunkz then said "ok now lets bring out the singers" a line up of 6 came out. I had no idea who it could be

skip to the end

We unfortunately ended up getting it wrong. We voted for number 2 when the whole time it was number 4. We ended the video by me saying "play the trailer"

After the shoot everyone went to go out but I was a bit tired so I decided to go home. We all exchanged numbers and agreed to hangout soon. I was about to leave when sharky catches up to me "hey nai would you mind driving me home? Im feeling a bit tired and the rest are going out"

"you don't need to ask come on" he smiled as we talked and walked to the car

We got in as he sat in the passenger seat saying "I'm living the passenger princess life" I laughed saying "shut up put your location in the phone" he agreed when all of a sudden his stomach started making noise

I looked at him saying "on second thought let's go get some food" he smiled saying "it's okay nai I don't wanna make you. I can eat at home"

I shake my head saying "hey it can be fun, we can get food while actually getting to know eachother" he smiled at me with his cute dimples "thank you nai, yeah it will be fun for sure"

I nod as we turned on drake singing along while driving to Nandos since it's both of our fav spots.

We arrived as I parked the car and we both got out. We got seated as I ordered a chicken salad and he ordered wings (I've never had nandos lol!)

It was a bit awkward at first we we didn't know what to talk about when he broke the silence saying "you did great today you know"

I smiled saying "I was extremely nervous, I've never been in a set up like that" he looked at me confused as I explained "I mean so many people, looked so professional"

He nodded saying "your nailea qadir, your acting like your not used to this" I laugh saying "I'm really not"

We got our food as we began eating "how are you not, it's not like your unknown, almost everyone in the UK knows you"

I shrug saying "I just feel like everyone has their think yknow, you have your thing with beta squad but I'm all over the place I don't have consistent posts about the same thing"

He nods understanding saying "that's why your so popular, anyone can watch your videos"

I thank him for his kind words. We both looked outside to a couple teenagers playing football in the parking lot. I looked at him asking "do you play"

He scoffed as he said "are you kidding? I love football, do you play"

I nodded and said "well I used to play, but when I moved here I stopped. I havent played in a while"

We both finished our food as we paid and he said "ok let's go"

I look at him confused as I followed him outside he approached the teens "you mind if we join, first to 3 wins"

They all agreed as it was my team vs Sharkys team. My team and I huddled up as we went over a game plan and sharkys team did the same. After a couple mins we got our goalies in place as sharky started with the ball

He started running with the ball before he took the score and suddenly it was 1-0

He looked at me grinning while putting the number 1 and 0 on his hands. I rolled my eyes as I started with the ball. One of sharkys team mates took it from me and gave it to sharky but I got it back. I took the shot and scored looking back at sharky "are you going easy on me?"

He rolled his eyes as he shut my mouth with his hand. This round decided who won. It was going from me to sharky, back and forth but one of my teammates took the ball and he scored.

We jumped in happiness as me and sharky began to leave. I retied my hair saying "come on don't be such a grinch"

We got in the car "you got lucky you know, you better not tell anyone about this" I laughed saying "it will be our secret I suppose"

We both laughed as I drove sharky home saying goodbye to him and driving myself home. Realizing sharkys was only 10m away from me. I get into my house exhausted and sweaty from that football game. I then took a shower and got changed into some pjs then went to bed not bothering to check my phone.


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