Chapter 2: @/xo_ghcst

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"Are you a creep or something?" - I turn around to find none other than Knox looming over me, or I guess it's my phone that he was peeking over at.
"So, who's the unlucky one, huh?" - He's literally showing his teeth like the maniac he is.

"Don't you have any sense of privacy?" - I shoot back at him. Though I really doubt my own emotions in this whole stranger thing, that's not for him to know.
"You left in the middle of a conversation." - he states, ignoring my question. "Well, that's not why I'm here for. Let's get back to business." He says with a formal tone he usually uses when he's serious.

I don't reply, but cross my legs to sit more comfortably, and he continues - "It's nothing personal Bedi, just a mere advice from a colleague to another, it would be better for you to keep your hellion brains to yourself when me and A are in charge of a deal or a client. Not everything seems to be the way it really is." He looks over my shoulder and stares with a mysterious glint in his eyes. I turn my head around but find nothing, and no one in the cafe except for the baristas. I turn back to face him, and he's looking back at me with a raised brow.

"Are you done with your friendly advice? So let me make this clear, I don't take orders from anyone except my boss, and no one gets to tell me what to do or not. I'm capable enough of making my own decisions, so thank you." I add with my significant smile.
He chuckles and adds- "Now I see how you catch people's attention. Well, good luck, Bedi."

And that's when my phone starts ringing, and his gaze drops to my caller ID, showing a call from Esmé my secretary, and most importantly, a best friend or as close I can relate with the term. Something flashes across his face: a look of disgust and a tick appears in his jaws, but he recovers immediately as the call goes to my voice-mail. It's like he didn't just look like he was having murderous thoughts. "Farewell Bedi." He bids his farewell in that annoying posh british accent of his with a hint of sarcasm.

I make a mental note to look more into them. I grab my purse and make my way over to the parking lot of the building while shooting a text to Esmé that I'm taking an early leave today and I trust her enough to know that she'll manage my work in my absence. I open instagram to log into my bot account, and I'm so engrossed in checking my profile that I don't notice another presence and bump into a hard wall.

Well, that's not an exaggeration, I look up to find those devilish coal black eyes hidden behind reading glasses staring at me. Aahan has my arms held in a painfully tight grip to help me keep my balance. His eyes say a very different story than what he actually is. He's built for a nerd like him and has the goofiest personality in the office with his all black closet (I swear to god I've never seen him anything other than black) complete with his reading glasses. He's attractive, but he's just a spoiled brat.

The way he's looking at me right now feels like he's seeing straight through my facades, which would have made anyone in my place feel uncomfortable. I've mastered mind games and facades to a different level that sometimes I don't even recognize myself in the mirror.

"Miss Bedi?" - he calls for the 3rd or 4th time, which brings me back to reality. Uggh, I hate how my brain zones out sometimes.
"Are you okay?" - I get my composure back and move two steps back, "Yes, of course. Sorry I didn't notice you."

"Running away?" - he asks with a slight smirk, "You seem to be lost."
I mentally face-palm myself. How could I ever think of him being civil. "I'm done with work for today, so I'm leaving early. Running away is not the right term. I've some personal life outside of work as well." - which I don't have, but he doesn't need that knowledge about me.

"Personal, huh? Well, have fun then with your PERSONAL LIFE." - was that sarcasm in his voice?! These two men are so keen on getting on my nerves. If they hadn't been related to THEM, I would never have interacted with these assholes.

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