Chapter 16

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"It feels like an eternity since we were close", Mehek spoke while basking in warmth of Shaurya's chest. "Quit being dramatic", he playfully rebuked but pulled her closer into his arms "It surely feels so", her voice was strained, "ever since we came here, you are distant. I hardly see you. Have I done something wrong? Don't you care for me anymore?". "Stop being silly", he hushed her affectionately, "I love you", he caressed her tiny baby bump, "and our child". She nodded while trying to understand him and his reasons. She knew he was desperate to gain approval from his grandfather. He is not selfish. It's not just for him but for them since he wants to secure their future. Yet her fragile mind was not at rest.

She had so many grievances which only his assurance could pacify. But she remained lipped because after long she found solace in his arms. Fearing loss of his proximity she didn't utter a word. It was a fair trade-off to save the precious moment she got amidst the chaos. Only an fool will ruin an oasis found while lost in desert. "Please don't leave me", she sobbed softly, "I feel so lonely. It scares me to death that you will leave me". "I am here", he caressed her hair, "you need to rest well . Stress is not good for you else it will affect our baby". Her eyes closed slowly as she succumbed to fatigue. Before completely losing to sleep, she heard him, "Don't be afraid. I will be here when you wake up. Sleep peacefully".

Perhaps she had a proper night of rest since she came to Khanna mansion. It was nothing but magic of his love that gave her reassurance. She believed that he will keep his word and expected to see him beside her when she wakes up. Unfortunately, he was not beside her when she opened her eyes. He was gone. "Shaurya...", she called out but none answered, "Shaurya...", she tried again looking around but was disappointed. Her blissful dream was unreal. She broke down to tears.

"Mehek, wake up", Shaurya tried his best to jolt her awake, "It's just a dream. Please wake up". She was finally able to open her eyes and come terms with her surroundings. By then, he had turned on the lights for her comfort before fetching a glass of water. "you were calling out for me", he explained, "when I came near, you were crying uncontrollably", he waited for her to take few sips of water. "was it a horrible nightmare?", he asked softly while extending his hand to wipe her tears. "No, it wasn't", she sniffed moving away from his touch, "it was my reality", she glared at him, "my past that I desperately want to forget but it always finds its way back". 

Shaurya knelt beside Mehek, "you can talk to me". "Really?", she mocked him, "you were never there when I needed you the most", she pushed him away, "then what the use of lending me an ear now?". She walked upto the window, trying to distract herself with the view of dimly lit streets. "I regret for everything that I failed to do for you", he accepted again, "I know my apologies won't justify any of my acts but all I can do now is beg for your forgiveness". "I forgive you, Shaurya", her words shocked him but she went on without sparing him another glance, "only because hatred is a burden and I can't carry it on". 

"Mehek, I know you still love me", Shaurya pulled her arm, forcing her to face him, "You know about my feeling also. Beneath all the misunderstanding and unfortunate events, our love is buried yet alive". She didn't care to admit or deny his claim. "Please give me a chance. Trust me,I won't fail this type. I will give the world to you", he begged her. "I can never trust you again, Shaurya", she laughed sarcastically, "May be you are right that I have feelings for you but sadly they are not enough. I can no longer be the girl who blindly put her faith in you to ruin herself. And you have to agree that a relationship can survive without love but not without trust".

"Mehek, please don't punish me so severely", Shaurya held her from behind while pleading for his chance. Her eyes were brimming with tears, "I don't want to punish you, Shaurya. But I am not brave enough to risk another heart break", she freed herself from him, "I need to leave", she was resolute, "please don't try to stop me". He had no reason to hold her back. It didn't matter anymore whether Ajay was best for her or not. He was not worthy for her. She could never consider to give another chance to him.


Ajay rose from his bed as soon as Mehek entered. "Sweety, what happened?", he was worried for her, "did he hurt you?". Even though weak, he was ready to fight for her. She shook her head. Because it was she who broke Shaurya's heart this time and she was not proud about it. He cupped her face, "Tell me what happened". Amidst tears she told him everything. He had to admit that Shaurya was trying relentlessly to win her back. Despite his prejudice, Shaurya managed to win his respect since he never tried to manipulate Mehek pointing out Ajay's flaws or bully her with cheap tactics. He knew Mr. Khanna was genuine. Yet he had seen a broken Mehek and it prevented him from advocating for her ex-husband.

"Take good care of Mehek", Shaurya spoke dubiously to Ajay after wishing them all the best. Mehek stood silently beside him. Apart from a curd nod to her, Shaurya couldn't handle more. He swiftly placed shades on his eyes and walked towards his car. Josh bid farewell to both, asking once again whether they would like to join. "My friend is on his way to pick us up", Ajay replied curtly, "he will be here shortly". Once more Shaurya glanced back at Mehek who waved at him passively. As the expensive sedan exited slowly out of the premises of hospital, none gave special attention to a taxi entering. 

"You took long to reach, Sandeep", Ajay complained to the man who alighted from the taxi, "Apologies, Dear. Traffic was pathetic". They both hugged while Mehek walked inside after greeting him.  Sandeep suddenly asked Ajay as if recalling, "Was it Shaurya Khanna who just left?". "Yeah", he replied warily. "He looks like he had fully recovered", Sandeep commented proudly, flaming Ajay's curiosity. "How do you know him?", he asked. "Well, he was my patient once", his reply shocked Ajay

"Him recovering and leading a normal life is not short of miracle", Sandeep went on without noticing Ajay's bewilderment, "Infact, none of us expected him to survive. The accident was so fatal". Ajay quickly pulled him aside so Mehek won't accidentally hear their conversation. "Tell me everything", he demanded him. Although miffed, Sandeep didn't mind divulging information. 

"Many years back I was working in a remote town. He was brought in by villagers. They said he was speeding despite the bad weather", he recalled, "we had no idea who he was yet our team tried their best to save him. However our hospital had it's own limitations. Many days he remained unconscious in our hospital fighting to stay alive while being anonymous. Until one day his family found about him. They seemed to wealthy enough to move him to better care".

Ajay stood in shock while listening to him, "I never expected him to recovery completely although I knew he was a fighter. Even while being in immense pain and unconscious, he was taking a girl's name. What was her name?", Sandeep was trying to jog his memory. However Ajay didn't pry because he knew it. "Mehek", he told conclusively. 

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