Chapter 2

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"Do you think it is a good idea?", his valet asked Raghav Khanna. Awara, his loyal for many years was not just a mere servant . He was his close confidante who had witnessed many ups & downs in his master's life. A chance encounter; seeing someone  whom his master had given up hope to find, had shaken him.

Raghav was beyond surprised when he saw Mehek at the party venue. For many years, they all have searched for Mehek, only to be left with disappointed of failure. Before he could approach, she had left. He made small talk with her colleagues just ensure he has not mistaken recognising the young lady. Their conversation made him aware that she is now an experienced chef in a reputed restaurant.

"I feel responsible". Raghav finally replied to Awara, " I played a major role in separating them". He was once a proud patriarch who was severely judgemental. But now, aged and tied to wheel chair owing to ailment, he has started seeing world in a different way. Above all, it's been long since he understood his mistakes. Awara knew the burden weighing on his conscience yet he was unsure, "It's been many years since they both have severed their ties. Both are now leading their individual life quietly. Will it be wise to disrupt them? May be it is better to leave them as they are now". Raghav disagreed, "I have to tell him about Mehek. They need to meet. If not anything, they both will have a closure", he seemed to have thought it through, "make the call".

Mehek was teaching a group of kids from her neighbourhood. They were underprivileged to hire tuition teachers to help them out in studies. So Mehek thoughtfully used her free time to teach them. "Anita, pay attention", she rebuked one of her students affectionately. "Teacher, Anita is always in her dream world. Exams are her least priority", one of her friends teased Anita. "She just wants to marry a prince charming", younger brother of Anita mocked her, "she told Baba that she wishes to become a home maker so no need to send her to college once school is oiver". Entire class laughed while Anita pouted in dismay. 

"Being a homemaker is not easy, neither is it of low status", Mehek corrected other students then she turned to Anita, "But one shall never give up learning. Regardless of your aim in life, education is a must. It gives you wings to reach you aim", she stretched her arms, giving an illusion of her flight. Anita was first one to clap for her teacher, followed by others. After a hearty laugh, she managed to pull their attention back to studies.

Once class was over, a group of teenage girls flocked around Mehek. "Teacher, you are an inspiration. Unlike our school, you make teaching so interesting and productive. You are a chef by profession but really good in mathematics. How do you excel in so many fields? I am sure you were brilliant when you were a student". Mehek mused at their words, 'I was never good in studies but had a good teacher'.

"Another silly mistake, Mehek", he scolded her. Still without losing patience, he explained her once again. "I am so dumb", she criticised herself, "Mathematics is not my cup of tea". "You are smart enough to do it, Mehek. Just focus a bit more", he motivated her. "I am hopeless. I wonder why Jeevan Uncle wants me to try for engineering. I hate it", she placed her pen down in defeat. She resented preparing for engineering entrance exams. Despite her protests her family forced her to a field where she had least interest. 

He knew Mehek wanted to become a chef ,nevertheless his duty as her tuition teacher was to help her with maths, not to brain wash her family. "You don't have to hate maths for no reason, Mehek. There are many who quit their professional job to follow their passion", he advised her. "Means?", she was perplexed. He sighed since his student was a naive village belle who had less exposure to outer world. "Means you can be anything in your life with hard work and Ofcourse a bit of a luck", he sounded unhappy to talk about luck.

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