Chapter 11

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"Hope I didn't disturb you on a weekend", Mehek turned hearing voice of Raghav. She shook her head as he entered the scene. She respectfully stood up while his valet helped him to settle. "Please sit, Mehek", Raghav spoke softly to her.

Mehek was not entirely surprised on receiving his summons to meet. It was his agreeable tone that had baffled her. She had expected him to have jumped to conclusions. She was prepared for him to accuse her for trying to reenter his grandson's life, leading to her humiliation and finally offering her a pay cheque to disappear. However, Raghav had just requested her to meet him for coffee.

"I was looking forward to meet you", Raghav spoke enthusiastically. She was unsure to react so remained quiet with a polite smile. "What would you like to have? I have heard they serve good coffee. But you are a tea person", he tried to initiate conversation while waiter arrived. "I will have a Latte", she replied trying to get rid of an audience if she gets bashed. As they both waited for their order to arrive, he told her, "you used to make nice tea". 

Mehek recalled her past attempts to win his favour. Even if he liked the tea she prepared, he often scolded her for messing up the presentation. Her humble background was often blamed for her ignorance to even set a proper tea tray. She tried to mask her disappointment, pushing those embarrassing memories away yet the elderly man has already caught them in her eyes.

"I am sorry, Mehek", Raghav's word causing her eyes to widen in shock. She had least expected to hear an apology from the powerful patriarch. For few moments, she was unable to tear her gaze from him. It was hard to believe he was the same person.  Indeed, time has taken a toll on him. He was no longer the haughty and strict elder of Khanna family but an ailing man. 

Eventually, Mehek gained back her senses. "Please don't embarrass me, Sir", she tried her best to remain civil, "you were not wrong. Anyone in your position would have done the same. Infact, I am grateful". He searched her eyes to find malice but she was earnest, "if not for you, I would not have been alive. Despite your dislike you saved me". Although she had wished to have left the world with her child, life is still a boon. She had none but Shaurya's grandfather to thank for it.

"Where is Mehek?", Raghav angrily when she  was absent at the dinner table.  He felt weird not finding her.  It was her habit to try and impress him with her cooking skills. He had started to feel petty to rebuke her even when her dishes were amazing. "We haven't seen her since lunch?", one of the servants informed. "Ask the maid who is assigned to take care of her to bring her down", he roared. "She keeps to herself, Sir", servant explained timidly, "since she is not comfortable with others taking care of herself none was assigned to her". 

"Haven't I asked to hire a full time nurse for her?", Raghav directed his anger to the butler. "Interview is on going , Sir. Apt candidate will be appointed soon", he got replied. "Get it done as soon as possible. Tomorrow itself she shall have a companion", he ordered. "Send someone and ask Mehek to join for dinner", he commanded,"tell her that I don't like to wait". 

Raghav was irritated, surprisingly not on Mehek. It was tardiness of his staff that in spite of having a bunch of servants, none was still assigned to look after Mehek. He could understand why she always clung to Shaurya. However he didn't allow it to become a reason to grow a soft corner for her.

Next few minutes were absolute chaos. Servants rushed to his side to inform that Mehek was found unconscious in her room. Raghav rushed her to hospital. It was evident from her bleeding that child is affected. After initial examination doctors confirmed his fear that she had suffered a miscarriage. "She has lost lot of blood. We are doing our best to save mother", doctor told him, "meanwhile inform her husband and family". "Doctor, please give her the best treatment. Save her at all costs", Raghav requested.  Although he knew Mehek was in good hands, fear gripped him.

24 hours passed. Raghav was sitting beside Mehek as she woke up. Her tired eyes roamed around the room in search of one person. "Shaurya?", she asked feebly on failing to find her husband. "I have informed him. He is on his way", he patted her hand, "he will be here soon". Soon she recalled her plight and softly touched her stomach, "My baby?". Raghav realized that she desperately trying to prove her intuitions were wrong. "All will  be fine, Mehek. Now you focus on getting better", he tried to console her. It was clear to Mehek that she lost her baby. 

"My baby...."she began to wail in sorrow. "Where is Shaurya?", she sobbed, "Where is he?". Before she became hysterical, nurse administrated sedatives into her. Even while slipping into slumber, she murmured his name, "Shaurya...Shaurya...I want to see him". "He will be here soon, Child", he promised her.

But the promise remained unfulfilled. Shaurya didn't arrive. 

Time passed. Mehek was no longer in critical condition. She was moved out of intensive care, later discharged and came back to Khanna mansion. Raghav couldn't muster enough courage to face her so he kept his distance. He was afraid of her questions about Shaurya. Eventually when he came to meet Mehek, she was ghost to herself .He failed to gather words. None of his consolation will bring peace to her. 

Raghav was walking on egg shells as he was anxious. Mehek's conditions was still fragile. Eventhough her body healed, her mind was in pieces. But she surprised him when she just asked permission to visit her maternal home. He agreed assuming it will for the better. He expected she would recover faster under care of her family rather than loneliness of Khanna mansion. Meanwhile he will get enought time to sort out their situation. 

It took Raghav a longwhile to realize his mistake. By then Mehek went missing.

"Mehek, please give a chance to Shaurya. He truly loves you", Raghav pled her, "the stupid contract was my way to safeguard him. He had no part in it.  He always trusted you but when I baited him to prove your loyalty, he complied". He wanted to tell her more but was forbidden by Shaurya. Few truths were only Shaurya's to reveal or conceal. He was not at liberty to speak for his grandson. Besides, it was Shaurya's right to tell his side. 

"It doesn't matter anymore", Mehek brushed it aside. "Why not?", Raghav countered, "clearly both of you have not moved on. Stuck at same point, being miserable and lonely". "I am happy where I am", she spoke firmly, "until he crashed back onto my life. That too deliberately". "Shaurya could never have a peaceful life without you, Mehek. Earlier, I was against your marriage but now even I too feel you are meant for one another. He is besotted to you. Past few years, he suffered without you. Only you can make him happy. You both have my blessings". "Will you still support after knowing that I am barren?", she challenged him. 

"How can it be ?", Raghav was unable to contain his shock. Mehek didn't answer, just looked away, avoiding his gaze. He was taken aback. In spite of his resolution to make amends, it was difficult to accept a daughter-in-law who cannot provide their family an heir. 

Mehek scoffed as if she expected nonetheless from him. "Please ask Shaurya not to disturb me. I am peaceful with whatever left in my life. In return, I will never cause problems for him", her words were determined, "we are done. He needs to move on". She politely bid farewell before leaving the place.

The older man was in dilemma. Perhaps it was a mistake to let the estranged couple meet. Mehek seemed to have made peace with her fate. Her determination for not letting her past haunt her life was commendable. Raghav still felt guilty for his actions towards her. Yet his concern for his grandson and family lineage weighed more. It may be for better, if Shaurya start afresh, leaving her behind. But he knew the bitter truth. Shaurya would never let go off his past until he gets a closure with Mehek.

Raghav sighed, giving up. He decided not to interfere further but take a back seat after telling Shaurya about Mehek's condition. Unlike in past, he will support Shaurya in whichever path he decides to take. 

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