Chapter 9

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"Mr. Ajay Parmar. He is a successful designer. Now settled abroad", Josh told Shaurya, "Mehek Ma'am was with him for few years", he tried to sound professional to avoid angering his boss. Despite being a lawyer, he was more like a secretary who handles Shaurya's affairs. He knew it is better not to offend him, especially when it concerns his sweet heart. "Mr Parmar helped her to continue her education. They seemed to be a committed couple as neighbours recall Ajay introducing her as his live-in girlfriend. In few years, his estranged family also accepted Mehek as his future wife. But couple of years back, he went abroad and she came here". 

"Are they still in touch?", Shaurya asked swiftly. "Cannot be sure of", Josh replied, "may be they broke up or decided to take a break because long distance relationships are difficult", he was unsure since Mehek told him that she is single but not interested in dating.

Shaurya huffed as he didn't want to proceed on a 'may be'. If Mehek had moved on with another man, especially with the one who supported her when he utterly failed, he had no right to pursue her. He had no interest in restaurant business. His sole aim of takeover was to get closer to Mehek. But her indifferent attitude had prompt him to rethink. Either she had gone through enough to make her numb or she had moved on with a befitting companion. Both ways he wanted to hear from her. If she is happy then he will leave her in peace without raking their past, else he will try his best to win her back.

"You wanted to see me?", Mehek marched into the bar where Shaurya was sipping his whiskey. He smiled at her pleasant face before pulling a chair for her. "Shall I pour you a drink?", he offered even though unsure whether she drinks . Most of her colleagues have already left whereas the bar under maintenance was empty. "May be a small one", she told with a nervous smile and gulped down as soon as he poured. Although she had hidden skilfully, she was badly shaken due to his proximity. Memory lanes poured unpleasant past that had deeply wounded her. Besides, his sudden ask her to meet her made her suspicious. His motive of return was still a mystery. 

"Are you going to fire me?", Mehek asked swiftly. "What? No! ", Shaurya was aghast, "Why do you think like that?". "Well, I have had many employers who used invite me for private meeting to break the bad news or....", she paused to giggle while pouring another drink for herself. "Or?", he knew her answer will be unpleasant. "Or to ask me to warm their bed", she spoke plainly as if it didn't matter, "I know it will not be in our case since we have a past".

"It is harassment at work place", Shauyra was quick respond, "why didn't you take any action against them?, he asked her reining his anger. "What do you think, Shaurya?", Mehek asked back, challenging while still not losing her playful act, "A nobody like me wouldn't be able to climb the ladder unless I compromise. It is quid pro quo". "Is that what Mr. Parmar did to you?", he balled his fists in anger. He wanted to crush that man who took advantage of his innocent wife. 

"Oh! So you know about Ajay", Mehek gave him a calculated look and sat up straight. She grabbed a bottled to pour herself a another drink, "Ajay needed a friend with benefits while I was in dire need of a shelter. We compensated one another comfortably. I perfectly played house with him, successfully warding off any marriage proposal from his family. So in return he helped me to get education and connected me with right people. Finally we both got what we wanted, his dream to settle abroad and me a successful career. So we decided to call it quits".

Shaurya wished to kill himself in fury. He didn't know what made him angrier. The fact that many took advantage of Mehek's vulnerability or that she became too immune to narrate her sufferings so casually to him. "I am sorry, Mehek", he apologized but she carelessly brushed it aside, "don't be. At the end of the day, it all worked out. I am good, infact great". She looked away while taking a draught out of her next drink. 

"I am your culprit and you have every right to punish me.But please let me tell you my side", Shaurya begged her. "I don't want to hear", finally she snapped at him. Perhaps it was the alcohol, her mask has slightly worn off. "Your excuses don't matter to me", she chided. "Let me explain", he held her wrist when tried to leave him.

"You cannot explain, Shaurya", Mehek yelled at him. Finally she was venting out her feelings. Although at the receiving side, he was happy that she chose to take out his anger on him. "Your reason may be valid for you but will never matter to me", she told him firmly, "you left me alone to die in Khanna mansion". "Mehek, I tried...", he was not allowed as she cut him in, "I said I don't want to hear". She stood up in anger, marching to & fro while angrily gulping the drink she had poured again. 

 "I waited for you, Shaurya. You may not care to know but while I was fighting for my life in hospital,I waited for you", Mehek revealed emotionally. He bowed his head down in guilt. "First I just wanted to have a glance of you before my life ends", she tried to bit down her sob, "then when I survived after losing by baby, I just wanted to hold your hands and cry. But days passed away turning to weeks, without any signs of your return. Eventually, I started to feel miserable that I didn't die along with my baby because you abandoned me". "Mehek, I didn't..", he tried again but failed as she shushed him angrily.

"You killed us slowly, Shaurya. Our marriage, our baby and then me", Mehek spoke impassively, "nothing you can tell me will bring any of them back alive". Her words were dagger to him. "I am a living corpse of my old self, simply trying to find some meaning why God spared my life. Yet you charge into my life, raking up our past when I clearly want nothing to do with you", she was calm again, "please don't disturb me. If it is too much for your see me during work then I will leave". 

Shaurya was stunned by her words. ""I loathe you ", Mehek rebuked him strongly when he was about to speak, "mayhap it was my hatred for you that kept me fight my daily demons". "I am so sorry, Mehek", he managed to apologise again. "Be sorry for yourself. Because beneath my cool exterior, I am burning with disgust for you. So stay away from me", she threatened and charged after grabbing his bottle of whiskey.

Mehek hated herself while she turned to be a sobbing mess. Since the day Shaurya crash landed into her life, her emotional break down became quite often. She pulled out her phone, dialling without caring timezone difference. "How is my favourite girl doing?", although sleepy, Ajay was in his best to be charming. She tried her best not to cry but Ajay already knew she was in dire need of comfort. 

"Mehek, my offer still holds good. Hop on the next flight and join me here. You know how much I like having you around", he offered her before shooting any questions. She nodded without uttering a word but he knew her too well to probe, "Don't let anyone walk over you, Mehek. You are now bolder and braver. Besides, why do you need to worry? What can anyone do more to you? You have been through worst, Sweetheart". "I won't quit", she spoke determinedly, "let him fire me if he wishes. Till then I am going stand tall". Ajay was disappointed that she disagreed to come back to him. "Think through it, Mehek", he coaxed her.

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