Chapter 10

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"I apologize for yesterday", Mehek's gentle words shocked Shaurya. He had expected her to avoid him. Even when he received her request to meet, he readied himself for her outburst with resignation. Never in his wild imagination he expected her to say sorry to him. "I got a bit carried away after few drinks", she spoke in guilt, "Still my unprofessional behaviour cannot be excused. I totally understand if you want to discipline and fire me from here". "Mehek, please don't embarrass me", he was quick to hush her, "if anyone needs to leave then it is me but I am helpless", he uttered the last few words softly. "Of course, you are the boss and need to stay", she spoke bluntly. He pinched his nose being frustrated, unable to handle her stoic behaviour. Although he was hurt yesterday, he preferred emotional Mehek rather than cold one.

"Can we sit and talk?", Shaurya offered to which Mehek agreed. He decided to come clean. "I had no interest in restaurant business. My sole aim while taking over this restaurant was to meet you". "Why?", she asked since she had believed his reappearance was a bitter coincidence. "I want to make amends", he begged her, "please give me another chance". "I cannot, Shaurya", her poker face didn't alter, "it is pointless since I don't want us to be together again", she took a deep breath before standing up, "from beginning itself our marriage was a sham. Let's not repeat our mistakes". "Mehek, please", he blocked her exit, "we got married in haste. It is true that I was not ready. But my feelings were not fake. We both loved each other truly". "Says the man who accused me of trapping him in marriage", she scoffed.

Shaurya has been waiting eagerly for Mehek but she didn't come. He couldn't wait to tell her about his results. As she has predicted, he cleared all papers with top scores. He knew his grandfather will be so proud  & happy that he will soon be summoned. His impatience forced him to go to Mehek's home. Upon on arrival, her Aunt informed that Mehek was sick.

"She will always eat something from outside to fall sick", her Aunty rebuked her, "another round of sick leaves to miss school". Shaurya tried to remain calm while he gazed at Mehek who was on bed. She looked exhausted and sad. "Let me get you some tea", her aunt left him beside her. Once he ensured that she is away, he quickly sat beside her and caressed her forehead. "How are you feeling now, Sweet heart?", he asked her affectionately. Tears started to pour from her eyes. "It's okay, Mehek. You will be fine in few day"s, he consoled her, "I will help you make up for the classes you miss". "I am pregnant", she told him between her sobs.

Shaurya was beyond shocked, "What nonsense? Are you joking? How can you be pregnant?". Mehek had never expected a pleasant response from him. Yet his reaction pained her. "Please don't shame me, Shaurya. You very well know how I got pregnant", she tried to keep her anger in check. They both were equally responsible while she bore the consequences. His hands roughly raked his thick hair, "we should have been careful". "It's a bit late to think about precautions", she mocked him. "You should have taken care of it", he accused her. "don't blame me, Shaurya", she snapped at him. He was so tensed to think straight, "Mehek, I just passed my exams and you are still in college. We are not ready to have a child". She closed her eyes, letting tears fall freely because she knew he was not wrong. They were too young to handle the responsibility. Yet it was too late to regret when they have already crossed boundaries.

"Shaurya, we will make it through", Mehek held his hands firmly, "My family will accept us once we are married. I am sure, your grandfather will also support us". He pulled out from her grip angrily. "Marriage? Are you kidding me?", his taunt cut her deep. The man whom she loved deeply to trust enough to give her body and soul, seemed to be having second thoughts to accept her. "Are you denying to take responsibility?", she asked him while equally daring and anticipating his reply. "Are you trying to trap me?", his counter question was enough to shatter her. He regretted the moment those words left his mouth but it was already late. "Leave", she spoke firmly without giving him any room to justify.

It was hard to contain scandalous news, especially in small towns. In few days, Mehek's pregnancy became talk of the town. Shaurya was annoyed as well as disappointed by turn of events. Despite torment of her family, Mehek didn't disclose name of person who was responsible for her pregnancy. While he was still contemplating his action plan, it reached him that Sharma family will soon disown Mehek and push her out of their house. He didn't waste another moment to rush to her side. Although situation was not in their favour, he knew he loved her and so did she. He may have accused her in anger but he knew she was innocent. He accepted his responsibility before her family . In couple of days, in a simple ceremony they were wed.

Just like Mehek had anticipated, Sharma family accepted them although they remained displeased. So they helped the newlyweds to settle in a simple home in outskirts of the town. Evidently they washed off their hands from Mehek's responsibility after handing over the jewellery and money her parents had saved for her marriage. With a bleak future and tough present, they started their new life in their humble abode.

Shaurya had always imagined Mehek as his life partner but a marriage was never in his plans. Definitely not until he had achieved his goal. Their current life was far cry from the dream Shaurya had envisioned for themselves. He had no steady income or any experience to handle a young pregnant wife. They both were immature to handle pressure of parenthood eventhough they  did care about their child. Often he became dominant husband who was disappointed in anything & everything his wife did while Mehek reduced to a meek submissive who randomly suffered from mood swings. Love lost its charm amidst harsh realities looming over them. However with time, they may have settled in their humble life with arrival of their child if not for his decision.

Finally the day he dreaded most arrived. His grandfather, Mr. Raghav Khanna came to visit them. Shaurya was poignant, overwhelmed with shame. Even when Mehek tried her best to take his blessing, the powerful man's aura scared her and he was evidently unimpressed with the village belle. He dismissed her swiftly, gesturing Shaurya to talk in private.

"She trapped you well", Raghav spoke plainly. Although Shaurya had accused Mehek earlier with same words, he couldn't bear to hear from another man. "She is not that kind of girl", he defended his wife. "I thought you can never disappoint me any further, but you proved me wrong", Raghava taunted him, "earlier you were just a spoilt brat now you are a fool who brought shame to our pride". Shaurya balled his fist in frustration unable to counter his grandfather. "Leave her and come back to me. I will let you join our business", he ordered. "No", he refuted, " I won't return alone". "Keep sending her enough money. She is a gold digger who is trying to cash your wealth with the child. In time with an apt price, she will agree to divorce you", he defamed Mehek. "Stop disrespecting my wife", he roared, "She truly loves me"

Sensing that his grandson is adamant, Raghav proposed a plan. "Then prove it to me. Make her sign a contract", he proposed, "an agreement refraining her from having any claim on your wealth. Then only she can accompany you to Khanna mansion". Shaurya remained uncertain not because he didn't trust Mehek but he knew she will be hurt. "If she is honest then nothing to worry else then the contract will protect you", Raghav baited him. "I don't want any protection from Mehek. I trust her totally", he paused, "but I will get her sign the contract to prove it you that she is innocent".

It was one of the worst decision Shaurya had made. In his desperation to secure a good future, he walked mindlessly into a trap.  

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