Chapter 8

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"What do you want?", Shaurya barked at Raghav blatantly once he picked up his call. The old man winced. Although it has been years. He was supposed get used to his grandchild's attitude yet it still pierced him. 

"I wanted to know how it went with Mehek",Raghav asked eagerly. "Why do you care?", Shaurya snapped, "or do you plan to jeopardize my life again?". "If I wanted to keep you both apart, then I wouldn't have informed you as soon as I found Mehek", the old lion gave back in vigour, "Why is it still so hard for you to see that I want the best for you?". "I can't trust because you have manipulated me enough", Shaurya accused him, "to an extend that I left everything precious in my life to earn your acknowledgement". Before Raghav could defend, he added, "So I am sure you have some hidden motive, helping me find Mehek".

"I totally failed to protect Mehek when you left her in my care", Raghav accept his mistake, "But I never hurt her intentionally. How can I ? She was carrying your child, heir of our family". "Our family?", Shaurya mocked him, "a family who never accepted her. She was a misfit whom you could never tolerate. A pest whom you got rid the first opportunity you got". "You are now being unfair, Shaurya", Raghav was on the edge. "All of us were unfair to her", Shaurya found it hard to contain himself, "I have none but me to blame. I should have never left our humble home to reside in Khanna mansion. If I hadn't been greedy, perhaps I would have had my family. Even in poverty, we would have been happy".

Raghav knew Shaurya was guilt tripping himself. He wanted to advise his grandson to come out of his past, to make harder efforts to do amends. There was no point brooding over their mistakes. The best he could do was to urge Shaurya to make Mehek hear his side. He was too hopeful to assume Mehek may be willing to reconsider Shaurya. If nothing else then in the least they can bury the hatchet and move ahead. So he tried to bring back their focus to Mehek, "What did she say?". "Nothing", he mocked himself, "But her silence spoke a lot. She is no longer my sweet Mehek, not even slight shadow of her old self", he tried to taunt Raghav, "she is now a sophisticated woman who hides her true self, just like you have had wished in your daughter-in-law. Absolute version you had envisioned, cold and numb".

"I can talk to her", Raghav offered. He still believed that Mehek will listened to him. "Don't you dare", Shaurya angrily warned, "if you even go near her, I will forget that we are related". "I just want to help", the older man tried his best. "You have done enough so please stay out of my life and Mehek", with those harsh words, he ended the call ruthlessly. 

Shaurya glanced at her picture kept on his desk. An objective reminder that kept him sane even through most difficult times. A picture in which he saw young Mehek dressed as his bride, smiling without any inhibitions or masks.

Mehek held an old picture carefully in her palms as if it will wither away. It was an old snapshot of ultrasound scan, handed over by her gynac. A rare moment when both she and Shaurya were equally joyous as a couple, being excited as parents. Painfully memories cut threw her broken heart. She held the photograph away from herself so that it shall not be damaged by her tears. She kept it back safely while taking out their marriage contract. Although she had tortured herself remembering every line of it, she read it again. When she signed, she already knew that if a divorce happens, financially she will never be benefited and will lose custody of her child. But unknown to her, there were several other clauses deliberating her ruin.

"What does this mean?", Jeevan uncle slammed the contract on her face, "if you are no longer carrying his child, your marriage is void". "How can you sign an absurd contract, Mehek?", her aunt Kanta scolded her, "No wonder they dispatched you here like an unwanted baggage". Mehek kept her head low. She has not recovered from her miscarriage, both mentally and physically. Although not the favourite child of her family, she expected a little compassion from them. Her middle class family was not after money but pride mattered to them. The dent she caused to their honour by getting pregnant outside wedlock was somewhat compensated since she got married to father of her child. But now her sudden return after a miscarriage along with impending divorce drove them to edge.

"Marriage is not just a legal binding", Mehek's orthodox grandmother chided, "it is a lifelong vow to be bound to your husband". All family members agreed  to her while conversing angrily amidst themselves, while in between shouting at Mehek. Time to time, they vehemently cursed Khanna family. But they were too meek to collide with a wealthy and influential family of her in-laws. 

"Mehek has to go back", eventually the verdict was given by her grandmother who looked at her sharply, "beg and growl before your in-laws until they take you back. Be happy even if they give you a corner of their house to spend your remaining life". Her sons and their wives were in agreement although they knew it was unfair on Mehek. "Perhaps, few of us can go with Mehek and discuss with Shaurya's family", at last Kanta Aunty spoke some words in her favour, "we cannot lay back let them run over our daughter". "It is the fate she had chosen boldly when she crossed all boundaries of shame", grandmother snapped at her, "we send her to learn, not to lust over her teacher".

"But he took responsibility and married her", Kanta reasoned. "He simply accepted her out of fear when we cornered him", Grandmother scoffed, "else he wouldn't made her sign a completely disadvantageous agreement. If she stays here, clearly he will move on and marry another rich lady without care". "you can't let it happen, Mehek", Kanta Aunty swiftly switched sides, "you have to make him understand and make him take you back. You need to go back soon". Mehek who was already affected by death of her baby and abandonment of Shaurya, was now absolutely broken. She had no will to live. Yet she nodded, agreeing to her family, "I will go".

Next morning itself, Mehek left her maternal house. Her Uncles offered to accompany but she refused and then no one insisted. They all were appeased with her decision to go back to Khanna mansion. She couldn't fathom to return to a place where her husband didn't want her and in-laws who loathed her. She only wanted to escape. So switched, train after train until her money ran out. For days, she travelled without food and medicines until her body gave up. She closed her eyes expecting to embrace death but fate had other plans.

When Mehek gained consciousness, she was in a dingy clinic. "You are awake", a strange man's voice beside alerted her. Sensing her apprehension, he explained to her, "You fell unconscious beside me in the train. I brought you here for treatment". He appeared to be a good samaritan but her poor judgment of character made her think otherwise. Quickly she realised that her nuptial chain and ring were not on her anymore. Her tiny bag holding her belongings were also no where to be seen. "I took it out", he apologised, "I had no money to pay for your hospital bill. It's been few days since you were here". "How are you feeling now, Mehek?", he asked, making her jump in fear. "How do you know my name?", she asked shivering in fear. "I went through your stuff and found your certificates & passport", he opened her bag to show that her documents are intact.

"Do you want to inform anyone?", the stranger asked her as soon as she snatched her bag from him. As his words sunk, tears streaked cheeks. Fear was overridden by agony. She had none to turn for help. "It's okay", he patted her hand as though he realised her plight, "if you want, you can come with me". She sprang to other end of the bed, as if sensing his intention. He raised his arms showing retreat, "I was just trying to be nice. In few days, you will be discharged from hospital. I know you have no money to afford shelter or no one to seek help". Although he tried to sound noble, she couldn't shake her apprehension. Still lack of choices forced her to accept his offer. She timidly nodded accepting defeat. "Good", he smiled, "let me introduce myself. I am Ajay Parmar".  

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