Chapter 3

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"Please sign on the marked spaces", Josh Babbar spoke amicably after handing over the document . "Thanks for your help, Mr. Babbar", Mehek replied polietely yet didn't sign because she has not read it completely. "Please call me, Josh", he tried to charm, "we will be dealing a lot since I am representing my client during the takeover". "I doubt I can contribute much regarding take over. I am just an employee whose turf is the kitchen", she was a bit baffled by his forwardness and intended to keep him at bay. "Ofcourse. I meant that in future I will be dealing with all employees", he countered nervously. 

Mehek didn't pay much heed to him. She read the document carefully, clarified doubts with Josh, suggested corrections and finally signed it over. "I must say you are only few who reads documents so meticulously", he humoured. She returned a wry smile, "I have been burned badly in past for my carelessness, Mr. Josh. Learnt well from my bad experiences". Josh stiffened hearing her words but soon handed over her copy and left after bidding farewell.

Mehek opened her safety bureau in which she keeps her valuables. She placed her employment contract with other documents. Before she closed it, she touched an old document that lay beneath. She still felt a shiver down her spine thinking about the day when she signed her future without a care.

"Mehek, I gave you security you needed. Now it's your turn", he sneered at her, "sign the document". She clutched onto the nuptial chain he had tied around her neck. It was hard for her to come in terms that her newly wedded husband needed legal document to sanction her integrity. Yet she didn't question him but took the pen obediently to sign the documents. "Please read it before signing", the elderly advocate advised her. She looked onto her husband seeking his permission but he chided her. She tried to read the document but tears blurred her vision. Being unable to handle embarrassment, she tried to end her predicament by putting her signature. Still the lawyer discouraged her, "you are agreeing that you have legally no claim over your husband's wealth. In case of divorce, you will be left without a penny". It shocked her, still she nodded. She didn't intend to conflict because she was not with him for his money. "You may not even get custody of your child", lawyer explained softly, "perhaps only visitation rights"

In reflex, Mehek placed her free hand on her belly while clutching pen in other hand. Life in her womb was perhaps only reason, she has been accepted into an eminent family through marriage. But she loves her husband and she believed his feelings for her were also true. "Just sign it, Mehek", her husband brushed aside her concerns, "these are fancy terms from my old man to ensure that a gold digger won't snatch away his precious family wealth". He coaxed her but for a moment she saw a faint doubt on him whether she will comply or not. It was enough for her to take the leap. She boldly took the pen and put her signature without letting the lawyer add any further comments. Clearly ethics forbade a professional lawyer to push her into a contract which she barely read or understood. Still considering his client's demand and her cooperation, documents were gathered and sealed. The lawyer left them after a curt nod.

"He is my only family. After my parent's death, he took care of me", her husband explained once he arrived after sending off the lawyer, "You need to understand that I cannot defy my grandfather further". Mehek sniffled her sob and nodded. He had already gone against his family by marrying her. It was unfair to expect him to fight further. "He has asked us to return to our ancestral home, Khanna mansion", he explained further, "it seems we managed to break ice by accepting the contract". Despite their situation, she felt happy. Her family had forsaken her. Atleast her child will have shade of her husband's family. "Behave when you are in my house", his words stuck her, "don't let your stupidity jeopardise our future. Lay low until you learn to blend in". She kept her head low while agreeing, trying her to best hide her sorrow. "I bought lunch. Let's eat. It's not good for your starve yourself in this condition", he pulled her towards dining table. Although hurt by his early behaviour, she knew he loved her. He was also coming in terms of rapid changes in their life. His caring words helped her to stay strong for themselves and their little one.

Mehek was least bothered while all her colleagues nervously waited for their new boss. She was happy that most of them were still on payroll with a better pay. "Josh is so cute, isn't he?", Pranchi drooled over the young man who ushering them to meet the new owner, "I can't believe he is in a white coller with face of a model". Mehek knew that her friend is already charmed by the handsome guy. "Did you check the documents before signing ?", she asked Prachi sternly. "Kind of ", Pranchi brushed it off. She shook her head in dismay wondering whether Pranchi had been swayed to agree to an unfavourable terms. She saw her old self on Pranchi so she knew it is vain to break your head when her friend is overly obsessed with young man who recently entered the scene. Prachi was more excited to work with Josh rather than meeting their new employer.

One by one they are were called in or given time for next day to meet the new boss, except for Mehek. "Ma'am, it's getting late. Would prefer to meet him today or take next day's appointment?", Josh finally reached her, being considerate. Mehek looked at her watch. It was not as late as he tried to make it appear. Yet if it takes her predecessor another half an hour then by the time she will be finished it will get darker. However she was determined to be done with meeting her new boss. Restaurant has been closed for renovations for couple of days, giving her more time to spare. "I will wait", she spoke determinedly. He nodded awkwardly, clearly he had expected her to reschedule. "Shall I get you something?", he offered but she refused politely. She calmly went back to the article she was reading on her phone.

"In the meantime, let me give you company", Josh self-invited himself, sitting beside her and  handing her a small bottle of water. Mehek was slowly getting irked by his over friendliness. "Do you live with you family?", he asked without missing a beat. For her, it was as personal as asking whether she is committed. She wondered why a handsome young man like him be interested in her when girls swooned over him. Sparing herself from jumping into conclusion, she gave him benefit of doubt. "My parents died when I was young", she tried to shoot down his query with a curt reply. "Are you single?", he asked unable to hold his curiosity. "Mr. Josh, don't you think I am bit old for you to be interested in me?", she tried humour to put him in place. He held his hands up, "I was just trying to know about you", he stopped for a minute, "However I don't agree that a beautiful women like you need to be conscious about your age". Rather than giving a wry smile, she didn't respond further. Clearly his flattery didn't work on her since she set her focus back on her phone.

Josh remained seated, unable to leave her alone but uncomfortable staying quiet beside her. Tapping of his foot disturbed her. She gave him a reproachful look. "So any boyfriends?", he asked her again with a cute pout. His boyish antics made her laugh softly. "You never give up, will you?", she asked humorously. "I am just curious to know", he replied awkwardly. She sighed, understanding that best way to get rid of him is quench is so called curiosity. "I am a divorcee. So single but not interested to mingle", she rolled her eyes in contempt, "I have better things to do in life than dating". He chuckled, seemingly happy that she is not up for any romantic relationship. "You are a strange man, Josh", she mocked his sinister response. Still apart from a soft laugh, he didn't counter her.

In some time, Josh led Mehek into the cabin. "Chef Mehek, meet our boss", he gestured to the man sitting behind his desk, "Mr. Shaurya Khanna".  

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