Chapter 18: Fear and Loathing

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"ANGIE ANGIE ANGIE!!!" I yelled frantically knocking against Angel's door later that day. Angel opened the door confused.

     "Is there another fire or some shit or are you bugging me just for shits and giggles?" He asked. I shook my head.

   "No! I need your help." I said. Angel furrowed his brow in confusion.

   "Did you piss someone off?" He asked. I shook my head again.

   "No, actually quite the opposite..." I stated. Angel narrowed his eyes at me before I saw the lightbulb switch on in his head. Angels eyes widened, his eyebrows shot upward.

    " mean smiles asked you-?!" I nodded vigorously.

   "Yes! He did!" I said excitedly. Angel looked shocked beyond compare. He processed for a second.

    "Holy shit, this is fucking huge." He said. I nodded.

    "Exactly!! He also wants me to help plan the date....but that's my problem....where do you take an overlord of hell, the radio demon specifically, on a date...especially in this shithole..?" I asked. Angel winced as he recognized my predicament.

    "Yikes, I see your point." He said. "Here, come on in, we'll think it out some while I'm getting ready." He suggested, stepping aside gesturing for me to come in. I smiled.

   "Angie you're the best." I said. I stepped into his room as he shut the door behind me. I walked over to the bed and sat down, taking a look around. As I looked, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, the small pile of coats on the ottoman was moving. I turned my attention fully to the sentient pile of clothes, watching it wriggle and shift around until suddenly a little pink snout poked out from under the pile. It exhaled heavily before sniffing a little. Despite being a bit confused, I slowly reached out my hand for the snout to sniff. Sure enough it started sniffing my hand, moving closer to my hand, causing a set of chunky cheeks to be revealed, followed by the cutest black eyeballs, dark pink floppy ears and spots, tiny horns and a little set of chubby front legs and teeny tiny hooves. It was a little demon piglet. He sniffed my hands again, and gave them a little lick. I laughed a bit as he licked me, his tongue tickled.

     "Aw, hi there you little ball of cuteness." I greeted. The piglet snorted in response. Angel stood in front of me smiling.

    "I suppose I forgot to mention I have a pet pig." He said. I nodded.

   "No shit my dude." I replied. He rolled his eyes.

   "Well, (Y/N), I'd like you to meet Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets, this is (Y/N)." He introduced us.

   "Oh my god, you couldn't have picked a better name for him, that's the best name ever." I said excitedly. Fat Nuggets crawled all the way out, hopping onto the bed beside me, sitting down like an esteemed little gentleman. I beamed at him, trying to contain myself from losing it over a cuteness overload. I slowly pet him on the head and he oinked happily, pressing his hand into my hand.

    "Nice to meet you too Fat Nuggets!" I laughed. Angel looked at the clock and sighed.

   "Ok, I'm gonna shower real quick, then we can get started with brainstorming. Keep Fat Nuggets company while I'm in the bathroom, will ya?" He requested. I nodded.

   "Of course, besides, how could I say no to this cutie?" I asked, petting the piglet again. Fat Nuggets oinked happily in response to my pets. Angie smiled.

"Good, be out in a jiff." He said before grabbing his towel, bathrobe and towel closing the bathroom door behind him. Fat Nuggets crawled close and laid his head down into my lap. He was so squishy and loveable, I wanted to squish his little cheeks so bad. Nonetheless, I continued containing my excitement and pet his little head, gently scratching around his little horns. That seemed to be his sweet spot, cause he'd release happy squeals when I would do that. As I continued to pet Fat Nuggets, I felt something vibrating under my leg. At first I shuddered hoping and praying it wasn't a vibrator or some other toy. I mustered the courage to lift my leg and find out what was vibrating. To my surprise, it was Angel's phone. As I picked it up from under me, I saw several messages come in. I normally don't snoop but I caught a glimpse of a few choice phrases that had me concerned.

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