Staring off into the distance, she could hear someone calling out her name but didn't have any strength to break away. She zoned out of nowhere with nothing really going on in her mind. It's something she's always done since she was a child. At first she had no idea what it was or why she did it. It wasn't until she went to therapy where she found out it's part of her Anxiety. She later on learned it was a coping mechanism for stress or pressure. Something she's still feeling even after Swf2 was over. "Unnie?!" Yujin clapped her hands in her face causing her to flinch. Her eyes blinked a few times, breaking away from her the trance she was in. Her eyes staring at the younger girl who let out a small chuckle, finding it quite funny. She had been calling her name multiple times trying to grab her attention. She wanted to let her know they went out on set in five minutes. The crews go out one by one and dance together. Ivy adjusted her headphone piece as her eyes flickered to Leah who glanced around the room. A look of confusion upon her face. How did I get here? The last time she was aware of her surroundings was earlier today when she sat in front of the mirror. Yet, somehow she managed to change clothing and make her way closer to the stage?

Her hands naturally came up to her ears feeling her earpieces. Her brows furrowed, unsure of how she managed to forget how she ended up here, let alone get ready for the long day ahead of her. She glanced down at her fit, loving what she's wearing. She bit her lower lip tilting her head to the side knowing she should stop doing that. Usually she would zone out whenever she was driving, which trust me is such a terrible habit. It's something she couldn't help but do. The good thing is she always managed to get home safely without any trouble. Ivy approached the girl placing a hand on her shoulder causing her to lift her head up. She turned to look at her with a blank face. "You okay? You've been kind of out of it all morning." Leah let out a small chuckle knowing what she meant. She nodded her head and reassured her she's fine. She reached over fixing her long black shiny hair. She brushed a few bangs to the side fixing them into place seeing how she accidently had messed them up. The girls gathered around the doorway ready to come out.

The half Korean Mexican girl felt this adrenaline rising up in her blood knowing this would be fun. It's been a few days since the last time they were able to be on stage. Being able to dance in a studio and in front of people didn't compare to the feeling of being on stage in front of an audience. The short girl adjusted her jacket and started to get a bit hot from the amount of bright lights around the set. The girls gathered around in a small circle excited to perform in front of an audience once again. They smiled at each other as Leah placed her hand in the middle. "One." She whispered looking at both girls who giggled. They ended up joining, placing their hands out. Even if it's just the three of them they would make sure to continue the small good luck ritual no matter where they were. They lifted their hands whispering 'fighting' hearing Daniel call out their name. The short haired brunette girl raised her hand up fixing up her blue bandana. Yujin handed the brunette girl sunglasses to complete the look. Leah winked at her as she placed them on the bridge of her nose. She pushed them upwards as Ivy and Yujin stood in front of the door. Both girls facing the back wall and showing the audience their backs.

Their leader stood in front of them, her head looking down at the ground as she placed her hands on their shoulders. When the door started to slowly open she could hear the howling screams of teenagers at the sight of them. She lifted her head up giving them a small nod as she pushed the girls out of the way. She kept a straight face as confidently swayed her hips walking out into the audience. "She's insane. The moment the doors open you can feel her strong aura." Hearing a girl usher about her on the side made the corner of her lips turn upwards. She raised her right hand up pointing at Kirsten who immediately stood up from her seat. She screamed hyping the girl up, she sent her many flying kisses ready to see her pop off. She made sure to approach the camera in front of her, leaning her hand on top of it. She pushed her glasses down looking into the camera as she winked at the lens. She turned around as Yujin's mood walked out of the room with so much confidence. She smiled brightly at the audience ready to start dancing their choreography. Leah turned around pulling her jeans up as she crouched down on the ground. She grabbed the sunglasses from her face, throwing them off to the side as the other two girls followed along.

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