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Lots and lots of agony. 

A never-ending agony. 

I can't decide what hurts more. . . 

Is it the few broken ribs that hurt every time I breathe? 

Or is it the dislocated jaw?  

Maybe it's my head since he banged it against the wall a few too times this week. 

And I'm not even going to acknowledge my lower body. It feels like someone has shoved their hand in between my legs and pulled out all my organs out. 

Words are completely incapable of describing the amount of pain that's flowing all over my body. 

The man on top of me groans loudly, his fingers tight around my neck as he squeezes the life out of me. My face grows numb, and darkness starts seeping into my vision. For a moment there, I wish this is the end, but then he stops, collapsing on top of me, leaving me on the verge of death. 

Every day, every fucking day, I'm dragged to the verge of death mercilessly and then left there to crawl back. Why can't I just die? Why am I still breathing? Please God, please let me die. 

"Why aren't you begging today?" Pariston whispers in my ear lazily. 

Warm tears cascade done my cold cheeks, as I struggle to breathe with all his weight on top of me. My hands hung limply on top of my head, shackled to the bed frame. 

"Hhmm?" he hums, caressing my folds, causing the dull pain to sharpen. 

He chuckles, applying pressure to his movement. "You like it when I fuck you like a whore, don't you?" 

"St-stop." A weak whisper escapes me. 

"That's right, baby. Beg. Beg for fucking mercy, you aren't going to get any but I love it when you beg." He laughs before he starts moving choppily, his thrusts feel like stabs every time, causing little whimpers to escape my lips. 

He digs his fingers into my breast until he is ripping at it, he twists my hair painfully, bearing my neck to him before he digs his teeth in like a fucking animal. 

I close my sore, swollen eyes slipping away as Pariston's groans fade away. 

It's been two weeks since Pariston has had me back from Arles. My Arles. I hope he is fine. I made sure not to cause any real damage when I stabbed him, but the look in his beautiful eyes was shattering.

 I know, it wasn't the physical pain but the emotional pain of my betrayal that broke him. I broke the only person who ever truly loved me. I'm so sorry, Arles. But I had to do that, I had to hurt you, for you. 

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