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The air in the dining room felt heavy with unspoken tension as everyone gathered around the table. A palpable awkwardness hung in the atmosphere, like an invisible cloud that threatened to engulf us all. 

The clinking of silverware against plates echoed through the room, filling the uncomfortable silence. I glanced around the table, the strained smiles plastered on everyone's faces betrayed the underlying discomfort and hatred. 

 "So, where do you guys intend to settle after marriage?" Mrs. Bianchi spoke, forcing a smile on her face. She caught me and Amber in that room that night, I'm amazed at how she's handling my presence right now given the situation we are in. 

Rose who was trying not to breathe or chew too loudly beside me, sucks in a sharp breath. She clutched the fork in her hold so tightly, her knuckles turned white. Was it fear or nervousness? 

I had no idea because I was very busy staring at her sister. 

She sat there with a notorious toddler on her lap, his eyes were gleaming with mischief as she tried to feed him some apple puree. Amber moved the spoon, mimicking an airplane, finally making it to his mouth but he didn't open up. Aeros threw his head back giggling when Amber pouted at him. 


"Arles?" Mrs. Bianchi pressed. 

"I haven't decided yet," I replied curtly, slicing the meat on my plate. 

All I want to do is sit here and watch Amber and Aeros but everyone has to interrogate me, interrupting such a beautiful scene. 

"So, we have planned the engagement next week then we can arrange the wedding in a month or so," Ambrose says, casually waving the cutlery knife in Bianchi's face. 

"Yes," Bianchi plastered a smile on his face. 

I sat opposite to Amber, openly staring at my beautiful girl. Am I shameless? Yes. Do I care? Fuck no. 

Amber settled a very sleepy Aeros on her chest, patting his back softly as she began to pull food onto her plate. The pig next to her sat there, filling his hunger without caring to help her. 

"Amber, no! It has peanuts!" I nearly screamed when she was about to scoop some of that curry into her plate. 

I could feel Rose's intense gaze, burning into my side. Fuck! I hate myself. I couldn't get the one I loved and now my actions are troubling Rose.

"Oh," She gasped, the spoon falling from her hand, crashing against the pot. 

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that, Amber." Mrs. Bianchi chuckled. I'm going to kill this bitch. 

 Dinner dragged on painfully slow before the men settled into the porch with whiskey. Ambrose and Bianchi went on talking about business and work. William was passed out on the lawn while Archer and James sat in the corner with their phones. 

I hastily grabbed my glass and quietly slipped away from the room. As I turned the corner, a heartwarming sight greeted my eyes. 

There, perched at the edge of the stairs, was precious little Aeros, his eyes filled with wonder and mischief. In his tiny hands, he clutched a kitchen ladle, waving it around like it was a toy.  

My steps slowed, captivated by the innocence and pure joy radiating from this little explorer. His tiny fingers curled around the handle of the ladle, as he quietly enjoyed his own company. 

As I watched him from a distance, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I can't remember the last time I genuinely smiled. I walked up the stairs until I was close to him, he lifted up his tiny head, and his gaze met mine, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Hey buddy," I mumble, slumping onto the floor beside him. 

Aeros lets out an excited giggle and babbles incoherently, waving his hands at me. I pick him up, placing his little body on my lap. His innocent presence was enough to bring my heart some solace I was craving for so long. 

"Did your mummy not teach you about stranger danger?" I look down at Ambrose at the end of the stairs, smoking a cigar. 

"Or she was busy teaching you how to betray people?" he scoffed. 

"He is a baby, Ambrose," I shake my head at him, looking down at Aeros who was grinning at me. 

Out of curiosity, I pull his lower lip with my thumb to inspect his teeth. He had two teeth in the upper gums and two teeth in the lower. Cute. 

"Throw him down the stairs. Let's see if this chubby ball can bounce," Ambrose chuckles. 

I pick Aeros into my arms before standing up. His small fingers clutch my blazer as he places his head on my shoulder, staring at me with those big, innocent eyes. 

"Let's go find your mom," I whisper to him. 

Turning around, I walk into the corridor, going through the doors. Aeros stayed quiet in my arms, letting out little babbles once in a while. He was awfully quiet for a toddler. 

Unable to resist, I lean down and press a tender kiss upon his soft, downy head. His delicate baby scent enveloped my senses, a delightful waft of warmth. 

Aeros' face lit up with a radiant smile, his eyes sparkling with delight. His giggles echoed in the air making me chuckle too, a joyful chorus that filled the space between us.

My happiness was surely short-lived when I heard faded moans from one of the rooms. I clutched Aeros in my hold, knocking on the door. I heard a string of curses following the door forcefully being flung open.  

Pariston stood before me, shirtless while Amber stayed sprawled on the bed, looking at me with a smirk. This isn't supposed to hurt. 

Why is it hurting this bad? 

Why the fuck is it hurting? 

My heart filled heavy with a mix of longing and anguish, as I looked at her. The straps of her dress were pulled down her shoulders, a few hickeys on her honey skin. 

"Sup?" I smile at Pariston. 

"Your kid was trying to throw himself down the stairs," I say, as Aeros lets out a loud giggle, digging his head into my chest. 

He scoffed, roughly pulling Aeros from me. I felt my stomach in knots when Aeros clutched my shirt and burst into tears. Pariston growled, trying to pull himself but Aeros cried louder, his tiny fist tight around my shirt. 

"Aeros, come to Daddy." Pariston lets out a frustrated groan, forcefully pulling him away. 

Aeros turns his head to me, his beautiful eyes full of big tears as he sobs. His tiny button nose turns red, as he makes grabby hands at me. It took everything in me to not punch the shit out of Pariston and kidnap Aeros. 


What? Why do I want to kidnap him? I just met him a few hours ago. 

What in the fucking sorcery did that kid pull on me? 

"Thanks," Pariston snapped before he slammed the door in my face. 

I stole a glance at Amber before the door shut.

 It's hard, Amber. It's really hard, my love. But I don't think I'll ever be able to unlove you. 

I love you all! 


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