Chapter 25: Sweet Bubbles

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I felt the drips of water fall down my shoulders. My hands glided against my skin, trying to calm myself down. I had a bad day today, and couldn't- stop- Thinking about it.

If I'd studied longer..if I'd understood the material better, none of this would've happened. What would Mirio think? He'd be disappointed, wouldn't he? Ashamed? What if Mirio realizes how stupid I was and leave me?

I looked down at the bubbly water, before my eyes glassed in tears. I didn't feel so special now..I felt like a burden.

This was the first time I actually failed a test, and I just didn't know what to do about it.

A few footsteps were heard outside. I felt myself getting happier just thinking about Mirio being here with me. Whatever the problem was, Mirio would always make me happy, just for a small moment. But, no matter how much attention Mirio could give, my thoughts lingered to my problems..

I just felt so small afterward..

"Hey butterfly," Mirio mused, opening the door slightly.

We'd been dating for a year now, so I didn't have the need to get so anxious around Mirio's company. I was finally comfortable, even in the most vulnerable places. The trust was built up and so a huge smile shown on my face. I looked over his shoulder. "Hey.."

"What's wrong, Tama? Stress?" Mirio asked, kneeling down and pressing soft kisses on my cheek.

I laughed softly and looked away. "Little bit..Just a little disappointed in myself."

"How come? You're doing incredible! You've come a long way this year, I'm very proud of you." Mirio states back, his eyes sorrowful with guilt.

I shouldn't feel this way. The progress has been enormous lately. I just couldn't get the words out, they were almost stuck.

I stayed quiet, my hands rubbing against my arms. It was a comfort mechanism I always had, like I needed to tell my body somebody was comforting me.

Mirio frowned slightly, and stopped my movement. He then used his own hands to rub against my own. "I missed you today. A lot."

"I missed you too.."

"My little moonlight.." Mirio hugged my neck and kissed my shoulder tenderly, the love and affection making my body warm and fuzzy.

"So proud of you.."

"M-Mirio.." I nudged against his arm and sighed. "Please stay.."

"Of course I will, you deserve it." Mirio muttered.

We sat like this in silent for a while, watching the bubbles pop and sizzle out of view. Mirio squeezed a bit of shampoo in his palm before coaxing it into my hair.

I took a deep breath, his fingers glazing down his scalp, I've never felt so relaxed before. My shoulders dropped down slightly, all my trust was solely on my boyfriend. Soon to be husband years to come.

"Care to tell me what's wrong?" Mirio asked.

"I," I paused and started to tense up, the relaxation dulling down to just stress all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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