Chapter 11: Let's Test It Out!

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The sun shined through the curtains. I groaned and turned my body, burying my head into the couch. In a way, I wanted to stay downstairs because I wanted Tama to have some space. It's been pretty overwhelming these past few days.

I turned and put my arm in front of my face, sighing heavily.

Do I love him..or is this some sort of coping mechanism to get Tamaki to pay attention to me?

If I love him..

What am I supposed to do?

I sat up, stretching my arms before checking the time. My dad should be here any moment now. I asked him to go to Tama's house to get Ramen, so we can all take care of her together. I knew Tamaki would be happy just knowing his cat was safe.

I wonder if he's awake..

I yawned and rubbed my eyes before standing up, heading upstairs as quiet as I could. Once I reach the door, I opened it slowly.

I smiled softly, watching his chest rise and fall throughout every breath. He couldn't stand the way his hair was made up in the morning, but now that I see it, I thought it was adorable. His body turned slightly, so now he was curled up into a ball, shoving his face into the blankets.

Ever since we were kids, all I ever wanted was to protect you.

To see that you're safe.

And warm.

And given the care you deserve.

I sat down beside him and pulled him close, so that his back leaned up against me. I looked at him for a moment, almost deep in thought.

But what does that mean?

Maybe, I just need to trigger something.

If I loved you, Tamaki, what would I do?

I went with my instincts, running my hand through his fluffy hair, moving some behind his ear and watching his frown turn into a small smile. There was a flutter in my chest, and a rush of warmth in my face.

Here we go again-

Tamaki moved slightly, and yawned, his eyes opening slightly. He looked up at me, and flushed a bright red hue, his eyes glued to the ground.

I smiled and tilted my head, giving him a wink.

"Good morning, Tama.." I state.

"M-Morning.." He whispered, slowly sitting up. His hand then immediately went to his hair, stroking it down and making sure it was perfect.

I then grabbed his wrist and stopped his movement. He flinched and looked at me.

"You don't have to be perfect, your hair is fine.." I held both hands and cupped them in my own, my face flushed, but I didn't care. I wanted to figure this out, and I was willing to do anything that would spark something.

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