Chapter 17: It's Too Cold

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Me and Tamaki were walking back down the trail way we usually went. The letter was in my hand, just..longing to be opened. I glanced at Tamaki and he gave me a shy smile.


"Yeah?" He asked.

"I.." I held his wrist with one hand as I slowed to a stop. He frowned and did the same, his eyes moving to his wrist. "You're hesitating..what- what's going on?"

"Welllll-" I smiled and handed the letter to him, his hands shook a bit as he stared at him. He wasn't sure what was inside it, and his heartbeat beat a little faster than usual.

Tamaki brushed the sides of his hair behind his ears before opening it up. The paper folded up as he scanned the words. I could see his eyes tremble as he reread the paper.

His heart skipped a nervous beat as he stared at me in shock. "W..What?"

"Yeah! I got one!-" I exclaimed nervously. "I didn't expect it either..but, this is good!"

"How- is this good, Mirio? Please. Tell me." He states dully, shoving the paper to my chest.

I quickly grabbed it before he walked off. My eyes widened as I quickly followed behind. "Butterfly, hey!"

"Not going.." He grumbled.

"Wait! Let me finish!" I called, hugging his neck from behind.

He slowed to a stop and shook his head. "No."

"Look, if we go, we could prove them wrong! That someone like you could-"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He spat, swatting my hands away. "This is ridiculous, Mirio..just let it go."

"How am I supposed to when they hurt your feelings?!"

"I'm over it."

"No, you're not.." I said back, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't.."

"You can..this could be a practice run for prom! It's tonight, so the setting would work too!" I exclaimed, trying to find the good in this.

"I..don't know."

"It's okay.." I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He looked down, his eyes cloudly and emotionless. He blinked a few times, I wasn't sure what he was thinking.

"I'll give you time..don't worry," I hummed. "I love you."

"I love you too.." He sighed and smiled. "I'll think about it."

"That's the spirit!" I boomed, throwing my hands up.

He chuckled and watched me jump up and down, but his eyes were plastered in fear. He was scared..

But, he should know that I'll protect him. I'll prove that to him. Every single time.

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