3.24 The divine move

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Lilith is holding Willow while she lays in Kira's bedroom. "Are you okay?" Stiles asks walking in.

"Allison is gone, we almost lost our daughter, our baby died. You're dying. How can we be okay?" She asks glaring at him.

He sighs as he sits down behind Willow, he moves his hand over her hair. "Willow is here, she is alive. We have to...i don't know. Hold onto that? Be happy or something with that," he shrugs as he looks at Lilith.

She looks at him before she looks at her daughter, he lays down next her and they soon fall asleep.

"What about Willow?" Lilith asks looking at Stiles.

"She is safe with Deaton, right?" Scott asks looking at his boss.

Deaton nods as he opens his arms. Lilith looks at Stiles who also nods before she kisses the head of her daughter. She hands her to Deaton before she takes Stiles and they leave the animal clinic.

They go to the high school in the jeep and Lilith's truck. "What if Stiles dies?" Lydia asks looking out the window.

"He won't, he can't. He pro...he promised me that he won't die," Lilith sighs before she looks at the blue jeep behind them.

Scott looks at Stiles who looks at pictures on his phone. "You're scared," Scott says.

"Are you asking or stating?" Stiles asks.

"You are. I can smell it. You're scared that you will lose Lilith. That you will die, possibly you both and that Willow will be an orphan," Scott says making Stiles sigh.

"She calls me Papa. Although it sounds more like Baba. She smiles from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep. She's smart, just like Lilith. Lilith broke up with me, i get it you know. But i don't want to die and let her think i hate her," he says before they stop at the school.

"Believe me, she doesn't hate you," Scott says before they both get out.

Stiles leans on the railing as he almost falls over. Lilith rushes to him, she puts his arm around her shoulder and helps him walk after the others.

"Scott, hold on," Stiles says before Scott can open the doors to the school.

Lilith looks at him while the others do too. "I know what you're all thinking. That if this works, it might kill me, too. But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?" Stiles says.

Lilith shakes her head. "The plan is to save you. That's the plan I'm going with," Scott says before he opens the door and they walk into a snowed Japanese temple like garden.

Stiles stumbles forward a little and looks around. "Well, this is definitely not the plan," he says before looking at Lilith.

As they're looking around and waiting for something to happen. The Nogitsune walks out of shadows making them all turn around. "Like i promised, Stiles. We're going to kill all of them. One by one," the Nogitsune says as the Oni appears.

"What the hell is this? Where are we?" Scott asks.

"Between life and death," the Nogitsune says.

"Bardo," Lydia says looking around.

"But there are no peaceful deities here, Lydia. You're dying, Stiles. And now everyone you care about is dying, too," the Nogitsune says.

"What? What do you mean?" Stiles asks with a frown.

"I've captured almost all the territories on the board, Stiles. The hospital. The sheriff's station. And now the animal clinic." the Nogitsune says.

Stiles looks at Lilith and grabs her hand. Both overcome with worry for their daughter. She looks at him as her shaking hand goes on his shoulder.

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