3.13 Anchors

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Lilith is sleeping, Willow is in her own little bed across the hall while Noah is sleeping next to the two year old. Stiles is sleeping next Lilith, his breath heavy while he turns around, he is drenched in sweat.

Suddenly, Stiles starts screaming and he shoots up. She shoots out of the bed while Noah runs into the room. He holds onto his son who is still screaming in terror. Lilith rushes to Willow's room who starts crying.

After Stiles has calmed down, the sheriff goes back to bed while Lilith walks back to Stiles's bedroom. He is sat on the side of the bed with his hands over his head. "I'm sorry..." he whispers making her frown while she sits down next him turned with her body to him.

"It's okay. We'll be fine," she says putting her arms around him.

"You both wake up from my screaming. She's two years old, she need her sleep. You need your sleep, it's not okay," he whispers looking at his hands.

She sighs putting a hand on his cheek to make him look at her. "We will be okay. We can talk to Deaton, maybe he can help you," she says softly looking in his eyes.

He kisses her softly, his hand on hers before grabbing her waist and deepening the kiss.

That morning, Stiles helps Willow get dressed while Lilith makes lunches and gets ready for school. Stiles and the sheriff had talked about Lilith's situation, how she worked almost every night of the week just to take care of Willow.

That she was beyond exhausted at school every day, because after work she also made her homework. So, the sheriff proposed to have them move in and he also proposed to pay the nursery so that Lilith can focus more on school and work less hours.

Lilith talked it over with her mom who agreed but still wanted to babysit her granddaughter on the weekends. So, now Lilith and Willow live with the sheriff and Stiles. Willow got her own bedroom and Stiles and Lilith sleep in their bedroom.

"Stiles? Is she ready?" Lilith yells as she puts breakfast on the table.

Willow and Stiles make it downstairs where Lilith sits down. The two also sit down and they eat while Willow mostly tells about why she wants to stay home that day.

Stiles waits in the jeep while Lilith walks inside with Willow and drops her off. "She looks tired? Another bad night?" a nursery nurse asks.

"She keeps having nightmares. She refuses to go to sleep after them. So, we're all pretty tired i guess," Lilith lies before giving her daughter a kiss and walking to the jeep.

During the ride to school, neither talks as they just look ahead of them while both in their own thoughts. At school, Lilith goes her own way while Stiles goes to find Scott.

She barely sees the pack, after school Stiles drops Lilith off at work before he goes home. He picks her up after her shift with Willow and the family eats together at the diner.

Lilith stays at the house while Stiles and Noah go to bring flowers to the grave of Stiles's mom. When they come home, Willow is already in bed and Lilith is making her homework at Stiles's desk.

Stiles walks in with a frown before he walks over and closes her books. "Hey! I'm working on.." she starts but Stiles shakes his head before he picks her up.

She smiles as he puts her on the bed while he starts kissing her neck. The next day, she puts her long hair over her neck. "Sure, that doesn't help..." she sighs.

"No..." Lydia shakes her head, "it really doesn't," she smiles.

During a free period, Lilith is sat next Stiles, he has his hand on her upper thigh. "Okay, so what happens to a person that has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott asks out of nowhere.

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles asks making Lilith look at him.

"This is real," she says grabbing his hand.

"That's what a dream version of you said two nights ago," he sighs.

"And is being hunted of demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison asks.

Isaac looks up from his homework. "They're all locked up because they're insane," he says making everybody look at him like they're done with his comments.

"Ha! Can you at least try to be helpful, please?" Stiles asks.

"For half my childhood i was locked in a freezer. So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me," Isaac says making Lilith sigh as she looks at her twin sister who also looks at her.

"Okay, do we..." Scott puts his head down also done with the discussion that is blooming, "Are you still milking that?" Stiles asks ignoring everyone else at the table who is either rolling their eyes, laying their heads down or sighing at the two.

"Yeah, we are still milking that," Isaac says nodding as a girl suddenly walks up to the table.

"Hey. Hi, sorry..." she says as everybody looks at her.

Lilith looks at Stiles and Scott with a frown, Scott looks already smitten with the girl while Stiles shrug at her questionable look.

"I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about. And i think i actually might know what you're talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called Bardo. It literally means, in-between state. The state between life and death," the girl continues while most of the people at the table still have no clue who the hell she is.

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asks making Lilith look at the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Kira," Scott says before getting questionable faces from his pack, "She's in our history class," he continues.

"So, are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asks the girl.

"Either, i guess," Kira says as she sits down next Lilith who moves a little closer to Stiles who has his hand now on the small of her back.

"But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities," she continues while the others listen,

"Wrathful deities? And...um...what are those?" Isaac asks with a frown.

"Like demons," Kira says with a smile as she nods.

"Demons? Why not?" Stiles says as she looks at Lilith.

"Hold on, if there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?" Allison asks with a frown.

"Death. You die," Kira says.

Lilith looks at Stiles before she gets up, leaving her stuff there. Stiles waterbottle falls over as she gets up. "I'm sorry," she says starting to clean it up.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, shit happens," Stiles says grabbing her hands while tears well up in her eyes.

She nods as she steps out of the bench and walks away quick;y. She runs to the lockerroom where she slams the door behind her but it is opened less than a few seconds later.

"Lithy? Hey...talk to me," Stiles says as she has her face in her hands.

She shakes her head turning her back to him. "It's okay, i am not going to die," he says turning her to him.

She nods looking at him with tears streaming down her face, her throat hurts from the sobs she tries to keep in. "Yes...y-you will. And...and i-i will be a-alone again. I-i need you, Stiles. I-i can't..." she cries looking at him.

His own eyes also have tears in them as he starts wiping hers away. "Listen...listen to me. I am not going anywhere. I will never let you leave again. And i will never let you raise a child alone again. I promise you, Lilith. You will never be alone again. Not as long as i still have blood pumping through my body, my heart still beats and my brain makes up stupid things to say and do. You will never be alone as long as i can hold you, talk to you and love you. I promise you, Lilith," he whispers before hugging her and holding onto her.

"You will always have me..." he whispers again before closing his eyes.

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