3.22 De-void

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Lilith looks at Scott, he is sleeping next her. But she can't sleep as she keeps thinking about the 12 hour of pain she had just been through. And the loss of her baby, Willow is sleeping in her own bedroom.

Scott refused to leave her, not wanting her to be alone. They had decided to go to sleep once everything was over. She had gotten passed the point of being exhausted.

The next morning, Scott's phone rings making them wake up. Lilith is still sleeping while Scott leans on his elbow, over her and quickly grabs his phone.

"Yeah?" he whispers.

His eyes go wide before he hangs up. He looks at Lilith before letting out a sigh. "I have to go," he whispers.

"Where to?" she asks sitting up a little.

"They found Stiles," he says as he starts getting up.

Lilith and Willow are dressed as fast as they can and in her truck driving after Scott who is on his bike. At Scott's house, everybody is already there, Lydia and Aiden, Melissa en Deaton.

Lilith walks in holding her daughter who looks around her until she spots her dad. "Daddy?" she asks.

"Oh, you wish. I am an evil spirit and i am going to kill your daddy," Void says making the little girl cry.

"Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body. You got anything for mouth?" Melissa asks while Lilith glares at Void and takes Willow to the kitchen.

She ends up alone with Void while she cleans and bandages his wound. She is still really tired after the night before and she ends up having to lie down after putting Willow to bed.

She lets the exhaustion take over as she lays in the bed of Melissa with Willow. Lilith walks downstairs with Willow, everybody turns to them and Lilith swallows the lump in her throat as she feels the doom over her.

"What do i have to do?" she asks looking at Void who smirks at her.

Lilith looks at Peter as he walks around her, Lydia is sat with Willow in the kitchen. Far away so the three year old won't see her parents get hurt.

"What if this is just another trick?" Scott asks.

"When are you people gonna trust me?" Peter sighs while making Lydia look up at him.

"Never," she mumbles.

Peter glares at her while Lilith hears his heart jump. She frowns before she feels the claws go in the back of her neck and she wakes up in a bed in Eichen House strapped to a bed.

Her and Scott look at each other before they both start struggling. They both stop, Lilith starts brainstorming before she frees herself.

"How?" Scott asks with a frown.

She looks at him like he is dumb. "We are werewolves...even in Stiles's head," she says before she gets off the bed and Scott frees himself.

She looks at the door before she walks out of it. She hears a door close softly behind her and she turns around. Stiles smiles at her, going over his buzcut with a nervous laughter.

"I didn't clean up like i wanted to," he says.

"You didn't?" she smiles trying to be nice.

He looks at the pizza boxes before she walks over to him and kisses him. He kisses her back before leading her to the bed. She falls on it, he smiles before he takes off his shirt.

Her mouth drop open a little before she sits up and goes over his muscles with her hand. He puts his knee between her legs before kissing her again.

She lays back down as he crawls on top of her. She gasps when his cold hand goes on her underwear and he presses.

"Lilith!" she hears in the back of her head mking her eyes snap open.

She looks at Stiles, but it isn't Stiles. It's the Nogitsune. She pushes him off and gets up with a jump. She runs out the room, but ends up in the room that looks a garage under a mall with way to bright lights and everything is white.

She turns around to where she came from in shock only to get a bigger shock. She looks at Stiles who is playing the japanees game of Go with the Nogitsune while sitting on the Nemeton.

Scott runs up to her making her look at him. They start walking towards Stiles before they start running. Lilith stops with a frown as Scott also stop.

"Stiles is part of the pack, right?" she asks.

"What?" Scott frowns turning to her.

"He is human, but is still part of the pack. So...how do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" she asks looking at Stiles.

"They howl," Scott says before shifting.

And he howls, everything around them shakes while Lilith can't stop her eyes from glowing. Stiles turns his head to them and looks at them in shock before turning back to the Nogistune.

He throws the stones off the board making the Nogitsune scream. Lilith jumps of the couch with a gasp and gets caught by Peter. She looks at Stiles but he is still passed out, before she can say anything.

Stiles starts throwing up bandages. Lilith puts her arm in front of her sister as something comes out of the bandages like there is a hole in the ground.

The Nogitsune comes out of it and tries to grab her. But Scott and Peter grab it, they try to force it back into the chair but struggle.

Lilith looks at Lydia who picks up Willow while staying put behind Deaton. She helps Scott until she realizes something. "Scott! Wait," she says before she starts taking off the old bandages.

She comes eye to eye with Stiles who is just as shocked to see her. "Lilith?" he asks.

She chuckles with tears in her eyes. "Lilith, Scott," Deaton says catching their attention.

Lilith looks at the open front door before she looks for her sister and daughter. "Willow?" she asks.

She runs out the front door trying to catch her daughters scent which is marked into her very being. "Willow!" she screams.

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