2.2 Shape Shifted

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It has been a week since Lydia got back home. She didn't want to go to school until today. Lilith is running around the house getting herself ready for school and her daughter ready for a day at the nursery.

She gets everything in her truck before getting in and waiting for Lydia who wasn't allowed to drive from their mother. "Are you sure that you are ready to go back?" Natalie asks her daughter while she walks after her.

After dropping her daughter off at the nursery, Lilith drives to the cafe she works at and gets her and Lydia coffee to drink.

Her day is calm as she just follows school and stays quiet while doing her schoolwork. After school, she works a shift, then goes home where she looks at her daughter who is luckily asleep in her crib.

"Thank the lord you don't struggle," she smiles softly before she takes a shower and then gets in bed.

She doesn't sleep however and stays up all night catching up on the homework and assignments, that she missed during the half a year that she took off as she couldn't take care of her daughter and go to school.

The next morning she follows the same routine, but as it's weekend, she drops her daughter off and goes to work for a 12 hour shift.

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