[req] kenniko || moth to a flame

616 14 24

For Sara61962, thanks for the request bae, love you <33

Also, you guys may know that English is not my first language, so if there are some words misplacement and just- weird looking words. Please, I need some grammar police here and tell me😔


Kenny rarely got sick. Compared to all of the members, he was the one who would probably be less likely to be infected if the others had gotten ill or the flu. Except for the seasonally runny nose of course.

But when he gets sick, it's almost like he's dying. So when he does, the whole house would be in shambles and his mom would visit the Beta Squad house and bring him soup and all kinds of remedies and medicines like he was on his death bed.

But now, his family was on vacation while he stayed in the UK, so his mom couldn't come visit him and was only able to call him to nag on how he should've drink more water and all of that stuff.

That didn't stop from his mother to actually tell one of his friends to take care of him though. His family had been close with Niko, them being friends since childhood and all, so his parents knew and trusted Niko like how Niko's parents are to Kenny.

So this time, Niko's here to be the one to take care of him. And Kenny thought he would be chill and relaxed compared to his mother, but goodness, he is way worse.


That day, he felt kind of off. His head was spinning and his eyes could barely make up a picture on what he was seeing, it was just after the flu season. Almost all of the people living in the house got sick, except for Kenny. Well, maybe the exception was false.

Because when Kenny woke up and tried to stand, his head felt like there were rocks inside and he could barely lift it, and he could taste acid in his mouth.

"Fuck-" Kenny had said. He didn't like getting sick -he rarely ever does get sick.- Sometimes, he won't get sick for a whole year or three, it's a rare occasion. The last time he could remember was 2019 where he got COVID and that was it.

And when he does get sick, his body will all of a sudden be a whole emotional wreck and at times he couldn't even stand straight and he would just feel like he was going to die. Okay, maybe that was more of a exaggeration, but that doesn't forget the fact that it felt like every organ in his body would just shut down when he gets sick.

His mom was always there to take care of him though. Which is why he didn't want to get sick now, because his family are on vacation to Rome but he had to stay here to record videos and for boxing.

His mom isn't here.

Call him a mommy's boy, he didn't mind, because there's literally nothing on his mind except for the fact that he's literally dying.

He didn't want to ruin his family's vacation, because he knew the whole family would come all the way from Rome to UK just to take care of him especially his parents and he couldn't do that. So he fought the damn sickness, and ignored its existence and went downstairs.

"Hi Ken, you're up early." Sharky said from downstairs, already eating with Niko. Chunkz wasn't at the house because he was travelling to Qatar with Filly, and AJ of course woke up late.

"Yeah-" his voice sounded a little hoarse, but nothing like a good water can't fix.

He went to sit besides Niko, and thank god Niko was the gentleman that he is as he gave him a cup of water, and after he did that, he stood up and gave Kenny his plate of breakfast.

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