Episode 8 - First Day

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A/N: Neo's writing is in both "quotes" and Italics!

"Good morning Y/n! It's time to get up." The Saiyan stirred as he was gently shaken awake. Opening his eyes he was greeted by the sight of Penny dressed in the school's uniform. 

Y/n yawned as he pulled himself out of bed, almost falling out in his half-asleep stupor. The Saiyan watched as Neo let out a silent giggle at his predicament, and she too was already dressed in the school's uniform. "Good morning you two. I hope I didn't oversleep." 

"Not at all friend Y/n. Ciel and I had woken up early to retrieve the team's uniforms from the faculty." Penny reassured. "And Neo?" Y/n asked as he turned to the black-haired girl. "Morning exercises," Neo responds with her scroll held up.

Y/n face palmed as he read the word exercises. "Man, I've been slacking on my training. I really need to find somewhere to practice." Penny held out the Saiyan's uniform as she proposed an idea. "The school has a gym and several arenas you could use." 

Grabbing the clothes from Penny the Saiyan shook his head. "I prefer a large open space where there aren't any people nearby." "Why? Don't like being watched?" Ciel asked as she entered the dorm room, already dressed in uniform as well. "Nah. I just don't want people to get hurt by accident. My previous master had his students learn on an island since his techniques are quite capable of causing destruction when done improperly."

Ciel nodded. "I see... Well, go ahead and get changed. We have class in 30 minutes." Y/n nodded and quickly made his way into the dorm's restroom to change. Stepping out he was now dressed properly aside from the tie he still fumbled to tie around his neck. Penny smiled as she stepped forward but found that Neo was already helping Y/n. 

The green-eyed girl smirked as she helped the Saiyan, finding his inability to do such a simple thing quite bemusing. Once she was done the group turned to Ciel. "Right then. Let's get to class." The three nodded and stepped out of their dorm. Before they left for class however team CMPN went to the dorms of their friends. 

"Good morning team RWBY! I hope you all slept well." Penny greeted as Yang opened her team's door. "Oh, hey guys! What brings you here?" "Classes start soon. Penny wanted to walk together." Ciel answered. 

Ruby squeezed between her sister and the door as she entered the conversation. "Aw! That's so sweet! But... what time do classes start?" "9 o clock. It is 8:40 now." Ciel responded as she glanced at her watch. 

"Oh! Team RWBY! Let's go! We can finish decorating later!" Ruby smiled as she stepped out of the dorm room, her team following shortly after. "We should see if Jaune and his team are still here. That way they can walk with us." Jaune and his team then stepped into the hallway, having overheard from their dorm across the hall "We're here! Man, I totally forgot what time class was. But let's get going! Don't want to be late!" The group nodded and off they went.

"Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!" A grizzly man with white hair and a manly mustache known as Professor Port stood at the head of a classroom teaching though to a limited degree of success. 


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