Idk what to name this

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So, I had this school assignment where i had to write a short story and what not and there was a word restriction and i reached it, but i still have other ideas for what to happen next, so i've taken some creative liberties and changed some of the names in my story for it to be a WoF fic. 

Below is the short story

(all the dragons are people)


I hid behind a tree as he glanced back, searching for anybody who might have followed him.

You might wonder why I'm following a guy around like a creepy stalker. Well, it's because me and my twin are spies and assassins for hire, added on the fact there was war gone on between the Leafstorm empire and the Sunflame kingdom and you basically get the gist. The Leafstorm empire highered us to gather information about the Skyflame kingdoms war plans and maybe assassinate Queen Scarlet (They hinted at it, but never directly mentioned it).

Right now I'm following Vermilion, the right hand man to Queen Scarlet. He was going to the council meeting place I'm hoping to find for Queen Belladonna. According to the ancient rules "everyone'' was supposed to know about, you're not supposed to have weapons during war meetings or attack enemies when their meeting but Belladonna's not above foul play, so here I was, following Vermilion to their meeting place.

After a few minutes of tromping around like a dazed kangaroo, Vermilion stopped at a cave and whispered "Warhorse", the code word, to a man wearing heavy iron armor who was holding a sword. He walked into the cave and then slipped and fell, cursing all the way down. I tried (somehow successfully) to stop my laughter as he fell beyond view.

I walked up to the man in iron armor and said warhorse. He grunted and let me pass, seeming angry because he couldn't behead me for trying to spy on whatever was going on in the cave

I hurried to catch up to Vermilion as he walked towards a giant oak tree with limbs stretched so upwards that it looked like it was trying to grab the sun through the holes in the ceiling. How did the tree end up here and why? Did someone plant this here? How was it alive with such little sunlight? I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I almost didn't notice him opening a door that was carved into the tree. Someone had made a secret room in the oak!

I stayed outside the oak, just in case I could eavesdrop on vermilion talking about war plans, but just as I thought, this was just one of Scarlet's weekly paranoid checks to make sure nobody was spying on them. Jokes on her though, Vermilion was about as quiet as an elephant stepping on a tree.

From what I've heard, she had all her 14 children, cousins, aunts and uncles killed in gruesome ways for "conspiring against the queen" with no evidence at all! Well, all of them except Princess Ruby, who she deemed "too mousy and shy" to take over. I say that's an exceptionally idiotic play, because that means there would be a catastrophe if she died unexpectedly because she never prepared Princess Ruby to become queen.

I heard some rummaging inside the room, as if someone was searching for a scroll. (perhaps this wasn't one of scarlet's paranoid checks after all) I took this chance to leave the cave undisturbed and report back to Calipso, my twin sister.


"hellooOOoo0oOoOo0ooOOo? Calipsooooo! I'm back!" I yelled into the empty kitchenette

"Ooh, good. You're back, Calisto!" Calipso said as she poked her head around a wall "I thought Queen Scarlet captured you and was torturing you to found out what you was doing in her "top super secret meeting place"

"You know I'm stealthy enough to avoid being found, and even if they somehow saw me, I'm fast enough to outrun them."

"For about 10 seconds, then they'll catch up to you and chop your head off. But enough about that, I got a delivered a scroll by Queen Belladonna's royal messenger."

"Ooooh! Let me see!"


To: Calisto and Calipso Nightshade                                                      

28/8/1678 D.T

From: Queen Belladonna of the Leafstorm Empire

I hope this letter finds you well, as it would be a shame for you two to die now, after all the hard work it took for me to track you down.

How is your mission going? Have you found thier conference room? Or perhaps instated Ruby on the throne? Although, I suppose I would have heard about that from one of my more successful spies...

Please report back to me at once if you have found anything of interest. In person mind you, I find it disrespectful of my workers not to speak to me in person.

Best regards,

ꆰꀎꍟꍟꈤ ꌃꍟ꒒꒒ꍏꀸꂦꈤꈤꍏ


"Why does she use green ink?" (just pretend its green. I used google docks for the OG copy)  I asked

"I dunno, maybe fancy royal protocol? But why is the first thing you notice is the green ink and not the way she implied us to be unsuccessful?" My twin responded

"Also how do we "report back at once"? The Leafstorm Empire is Half-way across Yggdrasil and it's not like we have a lightning fast communication system that can send messages in less than a second!" (haha phones)

"I guess we'll have to travel to the Leafstorm Empire."

"But it's halfway across the world! And if we do that, we have to prepare supplies and gear for climbing Mt. Hivemind!"

Calipso put both hands on my shoulder and said "Calisto, I think it's time for you to stop and think. We can take one of those new fangled hot air balloons over Mt. Hivemind and take a carriage the rest of the way! We'll be there in... 3 weeks!"

"But how will we pay for all that! We don't have enough money to pay for a hot air balloon ride!"

"Calisto you dolt, Queen Belladonna paid us enough money to live the rest of our lives without working a single day! Of course we have enough money!"

"Ooooooh. I forgot about that. But we still need to pack!"

"So let's get started!"


So, tell me if you want me to write this into a longer fanfic 

also give me ideas for what to happen next

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