What a magnificent sight... | Human Sun and mer moon

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Within a rather difficult to enter and jagged cove the sound of hissing and faint growls could be heard echoing within its walls and out into the dark starless sky. Waves from the ocean lapping gently at the inside of the cove as he thrashed about on the ground, tangled within a large fishing net. His claws scraping desperately at the ground and at the net that was digging into his smooth body, drawing dark blue blood from him. His red eyes sharp, and panicked from both fear, and frustration

Moon yelped, struggling within the net.
Sun heard these desperate cries and cautiously approached, he was extra careful while walking towards the cove, those jagged, sharp rocks definitely wouldn't do him any good if he were to come in contact with one.
"Hello? Are you okay?" Sun called into the darkness.

The mer tried to struggle some more but could not get himself untangled, his scales starting to become torn on his torso in the attempt. He stopped struggling for a moment and slowly turned his body to look up at Sun before growling low and deep at him. His tail whipping around him quickly, his body writhing in a mix of anxiety, fear, adrenaline and anger, his face contorting as well, his red eyes still locked on the human.

Suns eyes widened at the sight, he's heard of these majestic creatures of the sea, but has never once seen one until tonight. Sun took another slow step forward, kneeling down in front of moon. Sun seemed more fascinated than scared.
"You poor mer, you're all tangled..." Sun examined the mers torn, bleeding body.

The dark blue mer growled again and hissed, slowly backing away into the net as he kept his eyes very locked on the human. Clearly having a bit of an anxiety attack he tried to thrash to get himself untangled but that caused the net to tighten and dig into his torso leaving him in more pain.. His claws sharpening out as he attempted to free himself again.

Sun raised both of his hands in a surrendering manner, "I-im sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you!" He apologized quickly. "I only want to help you free, fella. I promise, I don't have any malicious intent."

It grunted and hissed, his eyes narrowing at the human as he watched him closely, his tail whipping about in the darkness as it moved him around. He then attempted to untangle himself some more, a low and quiet growl rising up in his throat as he watched the stranger.

Sun slid his hand into his pocket, "I know this is going to seem scary, but you're gonna have to trust me, okay?" He pulled out a pocket knife, flipping it open.

The mere sight of the knife sent chills down his spine as he watched him, his eyes darting about almost frantically. Moon growled low and deep at the stranger as he thrashed in the net, his tail whipping back and forth as he looked around at the sharp jagged rocks, he was starting to panic again as he had nowhere to run within the cove.

"C-calm down, buddy! I don't want to accidently hurt you, anymore than you already are.." sun then scooted forward and took ahold of a piece of the net, carefully sliding his pocket knife between the mers skin and the net. With one gentle tug the net ripped and sun took a step backwards.

He flinched and hissed as he felt the net pull on him and was surprised when it simply ripped, he quickly untangled one of his arms and attempted to wriggle out from under the net. His eyes darting from Sun to the open sea. He stayed low on the beach sand, his body still tense and his eyes locked onto him.

Sun smiled softly "It's okay, you can go now, you're free!" He said, gesturing his hand out to the ocean.

He didn't move though. Sun would notice his tail shaking as he stared at him before turning around and looking around at the cove. He was clearly a bit scared of him. Moon seemed a bit stuck on what to do now as Sun would see the glimmer of a tear in his eyes while his tail slowly swayed back and forth, clearly wanting to get to the water but not wanting to step toward Sun

Sun got up, and stepped away. Creating a distance between the two of them.

He quickly slunk across the sand before he finally made it back into the water, dipping himself in slowly and keeping his eyes on the stranger as he swam away. Sun would notice him quickly pick up the pace to leave, diving deeper into the waters before disappearing below the surface.

Sun felt quite proud of himself, this was definitely something he'll remember for the rest of his life. Maybe someday the two will meet again, while sun is on a walk next to the shores of the beach he'll see the mer again. Maybe.

This was really fun to write!
855 words!

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