i didn't know what you needed...so i got you everything. | ComfortSolar xReader

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Solar is comforting you during your period. There's one thing I would like to say, this doesn't only apply to 'girls'. Like, this could go for anyone that was assigned female at birth, transmasc, some non-binary people. So, I'm still going to keep readers pronouns as they/them for this chapter because I wish to include everyone. I hope that makes sense.

You had explained to your co-workers in the Plex you couldn't come in today. You're on your period and currently your cramps are painful, nearly enough to bring tears. But, luckily enough Solar had gotten the news and he picked up some things from the employees health-room.

Right now, Solar was sitting next to you with sympathy in his eyes. And, anger. Not at you. At mother nature, if your period was a person he'd beat it up! Even if that sounds cheesy at all, it's the truth. 

Solar had heated up a heatingpad for you and set it down where your cramps were happening. He didn't sit too close, but not too far. He wanted to give you space in case you needed it, but, if you wanted a hug or even to cuddle he'd provide without hesitation. Whatever will make you feel better.

He also brought some pain killers, some chocolates, and a small box of pads and tampons just in case he was wrong about you and you needed some. Just the very fact he brought all that made you smile. A smile and a giggle was all you can muster up as you look at him through your pained eyes.

His face relaxes when you do, now he smiles as well.

Appreciative, I quickly thank solar for everything he's done for me. And, I remind him he didn't have to.

"But I was happy to... It's nothing. Really." Solar replied.  He had a soft spot inside him and it always was triggered by the well beings of those he cared for. And, you were one of them.  His expression lightens a little bit as he speaks. But a bit of it is still troubled from the pain you are suffering from.

I lean my head back against my pillow, sighing softly. The pain isn't as bad as it was before.

Solar would notice this slight positive change.  He was actually glad since he was hoping it would be the case. Hopefully those painkillers were kicking in. "Feeling a bit better now...?"

"Mhm, thanks to you." I reply, smiling.

"That's good to hear." Solar replied, smiling as well.

It was all he wanted to see, not the pain in your face but the smile. Because the smile meant progress towards no pain.

"would you like me to run you a bath? or, sit on the floor so you have more room on your bed?" he asks.

"Mm.. No." I shake my head, sitting up, even though it hurt. "Hug." I demand, opening my arms with a smile.

Solar gladly obliged you the hug. He pulled you in close and ran his hands through your hair.

You know, you always felt safe and secure in his arms... And, this made you want to melt into his chest.

I sigh contently as I happily give solar a small squeeze. I'm glad to have friends like Solar. It's nice to know people care about you, even if they aren't technically all flesh and human. Still.

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