Aaradhya felt her hatred towards that man increasing with each second. It's a shame to call him a man though. He is an animal. Even worse than that. How could he stoop so low? All this planning and plotting just to destroy them so he has no competition. That man is sick. Very sick.

Her Uncle left and she waited outside the waiting room for her father to wake up. She has gone to numerous postings in Hospital during her MBBS but she never felt this way even once. Looking at her father on the Hospital bed connected to numerous machines and wires, her heart clenched.

Her phone beeped taking her out of her thoughts. Abhi. She kept looking at the screen until it stopped beeping. After a minute, he called again and then again and then again. This time she picked up. She was not sure what she was feeling now. But she was sure she didn't want to do anything with anyone who was connected to the man.

"Hii! Where were you? You were not picking up my calls," he asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"In the hospital," she replied.

"Hospital? Why? What happened? Are you alright?" he asked sounding concerned.

"What happened? Your pathetic father happened, Abhi. How can he stoop so low? Because of him, my father suffered a heart attack," she spat.

"What did he do now?" he asked calmly.

"Why don't you go and ask him? Just stop calling me," she said and cut the call.

After a few seconds, her phone beeped again.

"What?" she asked.

"Why are you talking to me like this? I did not do anything. I understand you are in a tough situation right now but...."

"No, you don't understand. You don't. You don't know how it feels to see your loved one fighting for their life. I am sorry, Abhi. I know it's not your fault. But I cannot do this anymore," she spoke the last lines slowly.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked dreading the answer.

"That whatever was between me and you needs to be stopped. It needs to be finished. There is no future for it," she said.

"Weren't you ready to fight against all the odds with me?" he said reminding her of the numerous promises they made with each other in the past.

"That was before your father decided to mess up. I would have fought for you, Abhi. I swear, I would have. But I cannot fight for Arvind's son," she spoke controlling the sobs that threatened to leave her mouth.

"It's not my fault that I am his son. It's something I cannot change, Aaradhya. Take your time, let things go back to normal then we will talk," he said trying to make her understand.

"There is nothing left to talk. As you said it's something you cannot change, I don't wish to be connected to anyone close to that man. I hate that man. I hate that man like I've never hated anyone," she said.

"You said you would never hate me," he reminded her.

"I don't. I can never. But we cannot be together. Sorry for everything," she said cutting the call and blocking his number.

This was not his fault. She knows it. But there is no future left for them. It's the reality. They have to accept it. She would have fought with her parents, and her family to be with him but she cannot fight with them to be with Arvind Singh Rathod's son. Her father will break. She cannot let that man have the satisfaction of turning her against her family.

Maybe they were never meant to be together.

She doesn't remember how long she cried and when she slept sitting on that chair. She opened her eyes when she heard some faint noises.

"Mummy? When did you come here?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Half an hour before. You were sleeping so I did not disturb you. Your father is awake. You can meet him if you want," her mother told her lovingly caressing her head.

Aaradhya nodded and entered his room. Her father smiled looking at her. She found her eyes tearing up again.

"Don't cry. How are you gonna practice when you cry seeing every patient," her father said playfully trying to lighten her mood.

"You are not just some random patient," she mumbled sitting on the chair placed beside the bed.

"You are strong. And see I am fine," he said trying to sit.

"Don't. Just take great for now. Don't stress yourself for anything, Papa. Nothing is more important than your health," she said holding his hands.

"I won't, I promise. I have built everything from scratch. I'll build it again if needed. But everything happened suddenly, I was... lost," he admitted.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright," she said trying to reassure him but she doubted her own words.

"I know," her father smiled.


The rest of the month passed in a haze. Her siblings, her younger sister and brother arrived from their hostel after hearing about their father's condition. Her father scolded them for coming back, assured them that he was fine and her sister returned after two weeks but her brother decided to look after the business until his father was healthy again.

She made sure to take care of her father's health herself. And she made sure no work-related news reached him. Her uncle and Aarav, her younger brother who was in the final year of his graduation in Business management looked after everything. She was so proud of him. Her baby brother was so grown up now.

Between all this, the charges pressed against them were taken back by Arvind. This was a surprise for her. She wanted to call Abhi and ask how this happened but decided against it. She missed him. She missed him terribly. She cried herself to sleep every night. But she cannot change anything. It's all for their best.

Tanu and Teena were very disappointed with the whole scenario but they could not do much. Anuj never called her. He was the closest with Abhi. He must be very upset with her. She understood that. Yuvraj offered to look into the matter but she refused politely. Things were coming under their control slowly. She promised to take his help if anything went out of control.

And just three more months were left for their entrance exam. Her father was almost normal again. Everyone asked her to shift her focus on her studies again. Exams won't be delayed because of her personal life. And she agreed. Arvind Singh Rathod has stepped back. She somewhere knew it must be because of Abhi. He must have done something to cause this. But she was not ready to face him yet. She regretted doing this to Abhi but what else was she supposed to do?

She decided to study for the remaining months. Once she is admitted to a University for her specialization, she will personally go to him and thank him. She can't fly from Lucknow to Delhi, just to meet him. She will thank him and give him the closure he deserves. Maybe he would not hate her then. Maybe.

But when did her life work according to her plans?


Do vote and comment guys.

And please don't hate Aaradhya.

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