Rough angelic play fighting

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I spent most of my time fighting angels that were physical with the appearance of a humanoid if you ignored the wings coming out of their shoulder blades and lower back.

If someone was expecting me to put up a fight you were mistaken, If you were expecting the angels interpretation for my violence with rough-housing in all good fun you would be correct. 

Unfortunately this resulted in severe damage that made me attain the upside to this predicament being Integrity LV 40 - 42.

Having enough of getting beat up I decided to meditate while floating standing up. It's exactly as it sounds for me to not only increase the efficiency of my integrity trait and it's quality while preventing perdition which is even worse than committing the seven sins because when you commit sin you can still be saved, when you commit perdition there isn't anything to safe anymore.

After growing bored of meditation I would play games on my phone or I would play any game that the angels were willing to play.

Why didn't I just enable my eyes, runes, wings and body? Simple integrity from a moral standpoint requires me to not cheat or risk perdition which in of itself wasn't as bad as the consequences a DT user experiences when their stubbornness to achieve their goals I digress that being a mentally, spiritually and physically destroyed version of myself wasn't ideal either since I didn't want to become weakened like the demons.

The only reason the demons even existed in the IntegritySphere was because they held a deranged form of integrity through their inverted, defiled & deformed take known as perdition.

From a philosophical standpoint sin was as bad as it is good because without the existence of sin, virtue would lose meaning and regrettably become worthless. And without virtue, sin would spiral out of control and become so chaotic that much like a black hole everything would fall in on itself resulting in regression and extinction in the end.

With the mixture on Integrity Meditation Cultivation, play fighting with the angels learning important lessons along the way while also taking breaks doing stupid things to balance the mindless and dulling mindset of continuous training.

Clicker games were brain rot inducing but relaxing and relieving simultaneously, the angels integrity level of 48 was inevitably surpassed with my new base of 49. 

Their power heirarchy went like this...........

Integrity LV 48 = no wings

49 = 1 wing

50 = a pair of wings

51 = a pair and a half of wings

52= 2 pairs of wings 

And so on until you get to the 12 winged angels at 60.

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