Last moment Alterations

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After we all finished creating our game plan we then prepared to fight the Alpha!Player. But we should of known better. Edra can do whatever the hell she wants because when we appeared in the Colosseum Alpha!Player was not alone they had an ally from the god-verse known as Corruption!Chara who used to be known as Harmony!Chara."What is the meaning of this Edra!?" Edra merely looking at me and me current colleagues in amusement. 

Edra remembered why she was doing this, it was purely for entertainment since while she loved demonstrating her dominance and control over others. They were still the same people, so she needed to come up with a solution so she looked upon the lower dimensions and saw all versions of the Murder time trio/quartet/quintet/sextet/septet/octet/nonuplet and so on. She enjoyed watching this since it ignored all the complicated concepts and just went straight to the point. So what would happen if they were brought to a much higher level of power? 

This question led to the discovery of youngest not strongest variants of them and oh boy were impressive. They may not be the strongest but their sheer potential convinced me to bring them to my colosseum to fight the variants of Chara and under-player I have chosen to battle them. 

P.O.V. Switch: Dust+


Having had enough with just standing around I charge at Alpha!Player and summoned a Plus Blaster and started charging it. Seeing what I was doing Insanity+ and Killer+ charged in pursuit charging their Insane Determination Evisceration and  Goop Annihilation Blaster respectively at Alpha!Player/Xero. 

Xero seeing the attack using a combination of the kindness soul's barrier ability and all the code that they have copied from the countless versions of the barrier they have seen in the Balance!verse erects a barrier to tank the attacks. They are then surprised since the trio shatter the barrier with a punch, slash of a Dark red sword & my Red Mastery crushing the barrier resulting in the former two attacks landing on Xero almost killing him however his player abilities came in clutch and glitched away all the damage he experienced. 

I am honestly enraged this cheater undid the damage so I used my Red Mastery to pull them in all directions and used a massive Plus Blaster to make sure they are completely destroyed and to make sure they were dead Killer+ made a goop puddle which they then fell in not completely recovered from my attacks and were promptly bombarded with endless sword slashes  and then getting chomped on and promptly crushed by a Goop Annihilation Blaster which then fired weakening my constantly growing determination and Nexus code mastery. 

To make Xero even further Insanity+ fired countless Insane Determination Evisceration at Xero leaving him on the the brink of fading from existence. Insanity+ then suddenly appeared in front of them punching them countless times sending them flying to only appear in front of Xero repeating the process but with Insanity+ ripping off limbs, biting off chunks of their body and clawing off their skin and to finish his turn he fired infinite amounts of sharp bones in a hail, tornado and gale skewering Xero in every part of his body. I then came in with the killing attack after resting up using my Massive Plus blaster to extract all of their determination and then used my Red Mastery to Pull at everything that made up Xero finishing with my DT Burst completely annihilating them removing them existence to never return. After this all three of us felt massively more powerful.

Horror+ P.O.V.

while the other three charged at Alpha!Player I grabbed the chara and yeeted them to the other side of the arena to make sure they wouldn't interfere with the others battle. They then tried to put me under a mental effect where I began to believe they were my goddess with what they called "Eyes Of The Goddess". However Corrupted Nightmare+ broke me out of it by sucking out the corruption of the ability and absorbing it making his power grow ever more. 

Chara realizing this wouldn't work tried using their knives however I cut them down with my cleaver and ended up destroying them all. I then sliced Corruption Chara across the chest with my cleaver. They then fired a knife beam to completely incinerate me however they were utterly shocked I was still alive."You can try however you can't kill an immortal being like me, it's just an exercise in futility at best." 

Hearing this only made chara angered and if she can't kill Horror+ she will torture him forever! She then charged at me and began beating me up like spopovich to videl in dragon ball, madara to the shinobi alliance in naruto shippuden, mazoku yusuke vs sensui(you get the idea).

However, little did chara know I had reactive adaptibility so, not only was I growing stronger due to this beat down but I have become immune to the abilities that this "human" was using against me. It eventually got to the point where I was straight up tanking all of their attacks and they were doing nothing despite the corruption chara being leagues above where they were earlier. 

During corruption chara's growing rage I didn't really care and now that I thought about it I'm hungry. No! I can't I promised myself that I would consume/eat any human, but then I realized that many humans were probably indirectly consumed by me in my quest to quell my hunger specifically Aliza variations. So with that big brain moment I decided to consume them because I could see they were much worse than me and Dust+ because of their colossal Level of Violence. 

After consuming them I grew much stronger than before. I was happy that the unhinged human was finally dead until I felt something wrong. Wait! I can sense their soul behind me! I turn around and see corruption chara right there! This means they are immortal by level 3 determination which I doubt because their determination is not that powerful from what I can sense. Which means they probably have some sort of reference point for their immortality like a save star, a body part or maybe some sort of life bond that will bring them back constantly. 

It's definitely the latter since their is no way to make a save star in this environment even if they used their soul as a conduit to do so, you would need a direct bond with the Nexus which this "human" if they can be called that definitely doesn't have. Their soul can't be stored anywhere else since I felt their soul being digested within me and they were to expressive with their emotions to be souless. Then it's the latter their is some sort of life bond with another that is keeping them alive. 

I then inform the trio as they arrive with what I had discovered about them. Insanity+ was bored because he just thought they were just as boring as the human he used to fight in his timeline. Dust+ used his level 2 determination in addition to his red mastery to destroy this eldritch bond connected to their soul destroying it resulting in them loosing their obsession leading them to feel fear and remorse as killer+ came in with countless slashes and used a Goop Puddle to swallow them within. he then fires his Goop annihilation Blaster killing them and eradicating their soul, corruption and determination ending the battle and corruption chara's(A.K.A. Harmony Chara in her last moments.) reign of terror within the godverse.

Edra irritated congragulated us and sent us back to where we were before she summoned us.

Chapter End.

Do you want to see the P.O.V. of Dust+, Horror+, Killer+, Insanity+ and Corrupted Nightmare+ after this in the form of their respective one shot chapters in this book? Seeing what they do in response to what they experienced in the edensphere?       

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