Defeating non physical Angels is rage inducing

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After weeks of journeying through empty heavens I finally found a transparent Angel because calling them non physical was a waste of effort I could be spending on finding Angels.

Anyways the Angel was just standing there in a trance of thought so I called out to him. Big mistake. He suddenly sent me flying through all the buildings scraping across the ground and onto the edge of the current heaven. I am certain I was punched, I literally felt his clenched fist hit my face. I then punch the air and hit the Angel on the other side of the heaven.

The name of the Angel was Sareash and he was unhappy because the Godsphere inhabitants let him off and all the other transparent angels were on vacation in the Seraphimsphere. This was actually a form of retirement and for beings from lower realms they could use this to finally focus on their aspirations however a transparent Angels aspirations were two severe the biological angels who ruled the Angelsphere. Meaning an Angel would slowly mentally break down and slowly become a demon being thrown back into the first realm of the IntegritySphere which was called the Demonsphere from higher realms. Resulting in any non angels getting attacked on sight before the completion of their degradation into a demon.

I was stuck in a non commuter battle with this transparent Angel for a few days resulting in some discoveries. First of all I learned a transparent angels way of battle was through a mixture of a angelic telekinesis and purification combat techniques which allowed me to progress to 29.2.. Secondly a transparent Angels degradation can be reversed through fighting an intruder so while I was adjusting, this entity wasn't taking me seriously whatsoever so I decided to use my recently renamed Amplification Blasters which not only amplified any sort of source power it was used by but also swallow the opponent and grant you all of their source.

While I was absorbing this transparent Angel I had to completely relearn every theory I made about the IntegritySphere because it was made up of 5 incomprehensible realms called the Demonsphere which was the lowest realm, the Angelsphere was the second from the bottom, the SeraphimSphere which was made up of the greatest of ethereal angels, the Godsphere which was made of the greatest of divinities being gods and goddesses but they were genderless  they just have genders out of convenience but more often amusement. And the final sphere was made up of beasts like behemoths, unicorns, griffins, leviathan and Dragons as well as Eldritch beings. Nothing more is known about the highest realm in the IntegritySphere.

I have broken through to Integrity L.V.30 through absorbing the transparent Angel and purifying my Integrity.

The apparent ending is Integrity L.V.100.. oh well. 

After defeating all of the transparent angels while purifying my integrity I have attained Integrity L.V.32..

Next up is the biological angels 👼.

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