"It's not for sure a no, but I'm not sure yet."

He nodded and Michael walked inside and visibly cringed at the sight of us close in distance. 

He smiled like an idiot and hugged me. He asked Sammy to drive tonight and we laughed and giggled and texted the entire time in the car on the way to the creepy diner. I brought up my and Sammy's conversation in a whisper.

"Sammy asked me to be his girlfriend." Michael got defensive supposedly fast and said a little too loud, "What did you say!?" I snickered and placed my hand on his. "I'd think about it." He seemed uptight about my answer, but our convo was put to a stop when we arrived.

We rushed inside because it was nearing the time of midnight. This was the night we were going to save Charlie, and Michael told us to listen for the instructions.

"Alright, It's simple. We're just going to find a way to get past the animatronics, get into the saferoom she's in, and get her out. How exactly are we gonna do that? That's what we need to figure out."

Sammy suggested that one person stay in the office on the cameras while the other two can use the office dude's help to navigate without a run-in with a hungry duck. Michael quickly shut him down but I backed him up. "I think that'll work. Sammy and I can go. I want you to be safe."

"No! Absolutely not! Sammy, could you please step out for a moment? We still have like 10 minutes." Calm while talking to Sammy? Michael must have been real mad. 

Sammy stepped out and Michael set a timer on his watch. 

"No. I don't want you going out there! You could get hurt! I'm not letting you!" 

"You can't stop me. Don't do this just because you're jealous."

He scoffed. "Why would I be jealous? Sammy can have you, for all I care."

The entire build-up of self-esteem you've had for months crumbled down. Michael, your best friend, your everything, just basically told you he didn't like you or care about you. All those compliments and assures he gave you, gone. Nothing can fix what he just said to you. Thank god it was dark, because you started to cry. You cried silently, though. You've had practice.

"I hate you, Michael Afton." 

You said in between choked sobs. Michael's face softened and he swiped his sleeve on his nose. "Wait, Y/N! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!" After a couple more minutes of trying to erase what he just said, he gave up, sighed, and let Sammy back in. 

Sammy let you cry in his arms until you felt better. He didn't leave your side at all that night.

The time finally came when it was time to start the plan. Thank god, Michael didn't object to you going even though you could tell he was freaking out mentally. He let you walk out with Sammy without a word.

As soon as y'all walked out the door, Michael's voice boomed on the intercom. "Testing! Testing!" You rolled your eyes. Any other time, you would have found that adorable. Now it was just obnoxious.

Most of the way was clear. Most.



"FOXY RUNNUNG TORWARDS ME! No, sorry, that was my phone. My bad..."

We finally made it to the door with large black letterings that said "Safe Room. Authorized personnel only." Sammy led me in by my hand.

The sight was unsettling.

Charlie sat tied to a chair with a gag and a blindfold. She looked pale and skinny. She was either dead, asleep, or unconscious. You weren't sure. You ran up to her and shook her gently but firmly. "Charlie! Charlie wake up!" You hissed. Sammy still stood by the door, with his mouth slightly agape.

Her eyelids fluttered open and she flinched. She relaxed when she saw it was you. A twinkle appeared in her eye when she saw Sammy. They smiled warmly at each other.

You hugged her tight but your arms retracted with wet sleeves. Blood. "We need to get you out of here! Explain everything in the car!" You worked to untie her and Sammy covered her eyes as you three got Michael and darted to the car in the parking lot. Michael sat In the front.

Part of you was overwhelmed, but the other part of you was glad you weren't alone with your thoughts. Charlie started to explain everything.

"I was locked out by these ugly rats the day that Evan passed and some man came out and drugged me. I don't remember what his face looked like. My memory's really foggy. I remember waking up in that room. I didn't know where I was. The same man tied me to the chair and mocked me and taunted..." Her voice started to break and you took her hand. "You don't have to say anything else."

She smiled gratefully at you and started asking questions.

"What do you guys know that I don't? I deserve to know, so don't even try me." Sammy chuckled breathily and answered for you. "We can't tell you anything. It'd ruin multiple people's lives and hurt everyone you love in one way or another."

They argued for a while but eventually, Charlie gave up.

There seemed to be a balloon in your chest as the car pulled into Henry's driveway. Charlie started crying.

All four of you walked inside and Michael went to get Henry. You caught Henry off guard. His face was disheveled and deep purple bags appeared under his eyes.

Henry burst into tears when he saw Charlotte.

"My little girl... You're okay. I missed you so so much. I love you. My Charlotte." She smiled and they hugged in the living room. They sat on the couch but Henry asked no questions.

It's as if he knew already.

Exhausted, I said my goodbyes to just Sammy and went into my room. I dreaded this moment.

With one doubt, the floodgates open.

I stood in front of the mirror and pricked out every flaw of mine. I decided that I hated myself. I felt empty. Drained. I felt like crying but nothing came out. I had trouble sleeping that night, regardless of the closure I felt.

okay so I'm unpublishing the Cali chapters lol That is gonna be way later and tweaked up a whole lot and there's gonna be a lotta sh tws in incoming chapters and wow this was a long chapter. Idk but some of yall might think Y/N is overreacting she has been dealing with loss and her friend got kidnapped and then all of a sudden the person she loves most in the world breaks her heart so if that happened to you I don't think you would be all sunshine and rainbows lol shes also very insecure and was like this before she met Mikey 

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