VI. the monster

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Morgan & Nancy both ran after seeing the monster, Morgan was panicking & freaking out like Nancy was but they were stuck in some type of place that was identical to theirs but different at the same time

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Morgan & Nancy both ran after seeing the monster, Morgan was panicking & freaking out like Nancy was but they were stuck in some type of place that was identical to theirs but different at the same time. Nancy yelled Jonathan's name after hearing Jonathan yelling her name but it mostly sounded like an echo. As Morgan ran, she turned back around seeing Nancy was nowhere to be found meaning that they were separated. She eventually found a hiding spot that's a tree, Morgan hid behind it feeling the weird goo getting on her clothes and skin. She closed her eyes hearing the growls from the monster, She thought about all the memories she had thinking this will be her end. Her death, and nobody will care. She slowly opened her eyes when everything was quiet.

She looked from behind the tree looking at the area behind her checking if the coast was clear and now that it was Morgan didn't waste any time, As she ran forgetting about Nancy and only focusing on herself. She continued running but stopped finding the same hole that was on the tree that she used to enter earlier, Morgan entered quickly. It was a bit of a struggle since it was very sticky and felt like trying to break through rubber almost till she found the strength to break free finally getting out of that place now back in the woods but in a different part that wasn't near Nancy & Jonathan.

Morgan looked back seeing the hole in the tree start to slowly close, As it did now looking like every normal tree out in the woods. "Holy shit." She mumbled in shock and confusion before getting up and running out of the woods to make it back to her car.


Morgan made it back to her dad's trailer getting out of the car and making her way inside in a very quick manner, "Dad!" She yelled out for her dad Hopper but stopped seeing the place looking like a mess like usual.  She was confused, "Dad?" She said again walking around slowly before seeing a note on the table that she grabbed and started reading. The note was from Hopper saying how he's with Joyce which Morgan placed down, She didn't know what to do now. She couldn't tell her dad what just happened, but then had somebody in mind. It wasn't Mariam, but Daniel her other friend. 

Morgan went up to the phone and started calling Daniel in which he picked up.

"Hello?" Daniel spoke on the other side of the phone in his room confused on who was calling him at this time of the night.

"Daniel! I need to come over like really bad!" Morgan told him tapping her foot against the floor and hoping that Daniel could say yes so she can tell him what happened when she was at the woods with Jonathan & Nancy who she followed.

Daniel raised an eyebrow confused, "Why? can't you just go visit Mariam. She's probably awake. She's like a fucking vampire." He told her, "And besides my parents are home how are you gonna get in?"

Morgan was quiet when Daniel told her that, She could tell Mariam but Mariam would possibly go off on her and find her crazy for it. Daniel's a smoker, So he may believe her hopefully. "Because it's something serious." She said, "It's a lot to explain I just need to come over, I'll sneak in through your window..Okay?"

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