IV. dead meat

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Tee would be inside Lucas's house awake, He had taken him in  despite the situation between the group and how they found Will dead and his body being carried by people from the murky waters. It was still night time though and he was sleeping on Lucas's bed with Lucas whose back was facing him because Tee couldn't sleep alone so he decided to make Tee sleep on the same bed as him which is out of character for Lucas but Tee didn't really mind as he stared at the ceiling in the dark room as the light from the moon reflected onto the room showing some sort of light, something wasn't right. Will can't be dead, he can't be. He slowly closed his eyes seeing nothing but darkness. He stayed in that position for a while until he opened his eyes and now he was sitting up. 

He turned to see his physical body laying next to Lucas motionless & eyes closed but he had one thing to do. To find Will, He hopped off  the bed and finally spoke.

"Take me to him." 

   He felt the whole entire room change as a strong force threw him back sucking him into nothing. That was when he fell onto the ground in some world that looked exactly like Hawkins but the atmosphere was different and the energy was off. Something was telling him to leave, but Tee ignored that gut feeling and got up walking realizing he was now in the woods.

It took some time before he made it to some type of hideout that read castle byers. He took a couple of breaths and slowly walked over there. He stopped once he saw a boy sitting there singing a song to himself, Tee gasped noticing it was the same boy in the photo that he saw singing a song under his breath. "Will.." He said and quickly walked over to him.

Tee went on his knees so they were at the same level once he reached, He tried touching him but his hand just phased right through him making Tee remember that he can't physically interact with somebody if he's using this sort of power. "Will!" He yelled freaking out. Tee will get back up and move away from him after  hearing sounds that sounded like the ones back at the lab when he was running  with El.

That was when the location started to change again and now Tee was at a random house in the back. He was confused because it didn't usually happen like that  on it's own unless it was on his command which made Tee paranoid a bit, He looked over and saw a pool that had no water in it but Tee wouldn't know that it was a pool anyway but curiosity took him in as he walked over to the pool. He continued walking and stopped looking down seeing two dead bodies that made his eyes widen.

One was a girl dark skinned laying down with her eyes gouged out and tentacles growing out of her body, And the other one was a girl who's pale and a slug was slowly coming out her mouth that made Tee scream out of fear and shock.  Out of nowhere,  Tee flew away from the scene and was now flying through multiple places at once until he finally made it back to his body and woke up back on Lucas's bed breathing  heavily & loudly and crying quietly which made Lucas wake up and turn on his lamp. He saw that Tee was in distress along with the fact he had a bloody nose that made him concerned as he held Tee, "What's wrong?!" Lucas asked looking at Tee. Tee looked up at him thinking about telling the part where he saw  the two girls during his astral trip that were dead and how their bodies were rotting but out of fear didn't want to as he decided to tell him about Will instead.

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