We learnt our lesson. After we went into hiding, the witch trials slowly stopped.

But not before thousands of innocent muggles were killed, back then it was guilty until proven innocent.

We created what was now called the Statue of Secrecy which is much like your Volturi.

A council of Wixen from all over the world formed the ICW or the International Conference of Wizards.

We take our laws very seriously.

We have our own ecosystem.

For generations things were peaceful, until our own kind became greedy, we were basically locked up and hiding from these muggles and people thought that we, the more powerful species, should be the rules of the world. I mean, we had the power to practically conquer the world.

So Dark Lords became a thing, it had already somewhat been a thing, but the Dark Lords from after the Statue of Secrecy was made were far more terrible than the ones from before.

They were more resentful to have to go into hiding.

Slowly the rise of dark wizards happened, they were the ones starting wars, believing that we shouldn't be in hiding, that we were cowards for being fearful of beings that they thought were lesser than we are.

Of course, we countered them, fought and defeated them.

The biggest Dark Lords to ever exist was a Man known as Gellert Grindelwald, he was a wizard who believed that wizards and muggles should live together, with wizards on top, that we shouldn't be hiding who we are just because we're scared for another witch hunt scenario.

He built up his army and went to war against the light side.

This was just so happened to coinside with your World Wars one and two.

He was defeated by his ex-boyfriend not that many people knew that from the begining the two had worked together to create their new utopia until Gellert became more and more powerful hungry and dangerous, killing just because he could, Albus Dumbledore, his boyfriend and him had different opinions on how they should go about creating a better world and it came down to a fight.

Dumbledore's brother tried to step in to stop the fight, but ended up joining.

Gellert and Albus cast simultaneous curses that ricocheted off of each other and struck down Ariana Dumbledore, Albus' younger sister and instantly killed her.

Albus was guilt ridden and decided to stop Gellert to stop the violence that he had grown tired of, becoming one of the first light lords and ended up defeating Grindelwald in a duel.

Later on, maybe a few years later a boy known as Tom Marvolo Riddle a half-blood wizard came to Hogwarts.

He was sorted into Slytherin which was the house of the cunning and ambitious, Tom was a powerful young boy, he was good with magic, especially the dark arts.

He quickly grew to believe that he was better than the muggles.

He was very resentful towards the muggles because his muggle father left his witch mother when he found out what she was.

Though I later found out the real reason he left was because she dosed his father with love potion, believing that she wouldn't leave him when she told him she was pregnant, she stopped dosing him.

He was disgusted with what she did and left.

Disowning Tom before he was even born.

Tom's mother gave birth to him in an orphanage and later died.

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