Chapter 5- Post Break-Up Anger

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Toby trudges along the bridge, fins in his pockets and head facing the ground. He sniffs and blinks back tears, "Boys dont.. cry." He sung in a shaky voice. An abnormally large snot bubble formed in his right nostril and impaired his view of the bridge he was walking on (did i mention he was on a bridge?). When the snot bubble grew so big it imploded. Toby then realised his vision was now being impaired by a totally different thing- a bright yellow plumpy fish with a creepy, wide smile.

Toby could recognise that smile anywhere.

Fucking Andrea.

"Hello Toby! I have to say, im missing something and I hope you don't mind me asking if you've seen it anywhere? A Ukulele, about yay high-"

Andrea's incessant lisp causes many droplets of spit to splash against Toby's face. Toby gets angry and snaps, abruptly cutting her off.

"You know what Andrea? YES, I have seen your Ukulele, we have ALL seen your ukulele. Sir Goldflipper-" Toby halts and stammers at the mention of Sir Goldflipper but quickly regains his composure, "He STEPPED on it and BROKE it SEVEN YEARS AGO. GET OVER IT! YOU WEAK YELLOW CUNT, ANDREA. PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE THAN YOU! YOUR STUPID UKULELE IS GONE AND IT'LL NEVER COME BACK. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU LOVED IT YOU- HE, SIR GOLDFLIPPER, MESSED UP AND BROKE THE INTRICATE BOND THAT YOU HAD AND SHATTERED IT INTO A MILLION PIECES- BEYOND REPAIR. YOU HEAR THAT ANDREA? BEYOND. FUCKING. REPAIR." Tony yells, quickly realising he was using his tragic relationship with Sir Goldflipper as an analogy for Andrea's loss of her ukulele.

Andrea quivers where she stands, eyes wide and twitching repeatedly. She slowly swims to the side of the bride and peers over the edge. Before Toby can speak she jumps.

And Andrea kills herself to be with her one true love in the grave- her ukulele.

Fishy Fanny - Toby x Doris (Love story)Where stories live. Discover now