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Jake started to look for aprons, and once he found them, he got the three aprons out of his cabinet.

When Jake sat the two aprons down, he tried to put one on himself. Sunghoon took the apron from his hand, put it over Jake's head, and wrapped it around his waist.

Jake's heart flutters at how attentive and caring Sunghoon is. Sunghoon grabbed the other apron, put it over Si-woo, and wrapped it around Si-woo's tiny little waist.

Si-woo smiled and picked up his step stool that was on the side of the counter, then placed it in front of the counter. Sunghoon put on his apron and wrapped it around his as well.

"So it says here that we have to beat the butter and sugar with a mixer; do you want to do this, Si-woo" Jake said, looking at his recipe book with a smile.

"Yes, and Sunghoon, can you help me" Si-woo said with a smile at his papa and Sunghoon.

Sunghoon nodded with a smile and ruffled Si-woo's hair a bit.

Jake went over to the top of the cabinet, trying to reach for the mixer, but his height was stopping him. He was about to turn around and grab the stepping stool, but Sunghoon was standing behind him, tall as he could be, and grabbed the mixer out of the cabinet.

"Why didn't you ask for my help, Princess" Sunghoon said with a smirk as he found one hand wrapping around Jake's waist. Jake blushed and hit his shoulder to let go of him.

Jake then turned his head towards Si-woo as he saw Si-woo having a smile on his face looking at them.

"You didn't answer my question, sweetheart," Sunghoon said, grabbing Jake's chin and turning his head his way. Jake's face turned redder than before.

"I didn't answer you because I know that I can depend on myself," Jake said, playfully rolling his eyes, then taking his hands slowly off his waist.

"Feisty much," Sunghoon said with a chuckle. Jake gave him a look, then continued where he left off.

Jake had gotten the trays out of the bottom cabinet and sat them on the counter. Jake clapped his hands, signaling for them to get started. The three washed their hands in the sink.

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Sunghoon opened the two sticks of butter and dropped them into the bowl along with white and brown sugar.

Si-woo was excited to mix the ingredients in the bowl. Sunghoon plugged in the mixer and gave it to Si-woo while he stood beside him, teaching Si-woo how to use the mixer. Jake found it very cute that he wanted to take a picture, so he took out his phone from his back pocket.

"Say cheese," Jake said, laughing with a smile and holding his phone up. Sunghoon shook his head and smiled along with Si-woo. Sunghoon dipped his finger and put the butter on Si-woo's little nose.

"Hey, my nose," Si-woo said with a pout, and he scrunched his nose with a little glare, looking at Sunghoon. Jake took a snap of their moment.

"Park Sunghoon, never dip your hand in good master piece ingredients," Jake said with a glare.

"Oh, shiver me timbers; I'm so scared, my princess," Sunghoon said, laughing. Jake raised his phone up like he was about to hit him. Sunghoon held both of his hands, having a fake, scared face. Si-woo couldn't stop laughing at the two.

"Wait, Jake, what's that on top of your hair" Sunghoon said, putting both his hands down with a concerned face. Si-woo looked confused, trying to see what was on his papa's hair.

"Wait, what is it, Get it out of my hair," Jake said, touching his hair, worried. "Come here; let me take a look and take it out," Sunghoon said with a smirk.

Jake went over to Sunghoon for him to take whatever was in his hair out. Sunghoon faked touching his hair as he dipped his finger once again in the bowl and put it on Jake's nose.

Si-woo and Sunghoon begin to laugh. Sunghoon couldn't get enough of finding Jake cute.

Sunghoon raised his hand up for Si-woo to high-five him, and Si-woo did so. Jake crossed his arms, not phased, but couldn't hold in his laugh as his mouth started to tremble, which made him start laughing.

"Wow, very funny, guys," Jake said with a smile. Sunghoon grabbed Jake by the waist and kissed one of his cheeks. Jake couldn't stop blushing.

"I'm sorry, my princess; we needed to add some fun to it somehow," Sunghoon said with a smile.

"You two being near me and by my side is already fun for me," Jake said with a smile as his cheeks were still tinted red. Sunghoon and Si-woo smiled.

"Alright, back to work," Jake said. Sunghoon let go of Jake as they went back to working on the cookies.

Sunghoon Jake and Si-woo did all the ingredients for making cookies; they then finished and put the whole tray in the oven, waiting for it to bake.

Once it was done, Sunghoon grabbed the tray, which he had gloves on, and placed it on the counter.

The smell of the cookies was so strong. Jake took out his cake stand with the glass cover to place all the cookies on there and sat some out for them to eat.

"Let's all take a bite together to see if it's good," Jake said with a smile. The three took a markable taste of the cookie. Jake and Si-woo's eyes widen, finding it really good and showing a wonderful reaction.

Sunghoon found the cookies good even though he didn't really like cookies, but he also laughed at the two reactions towards them.

"You did such a good job, princess, and my little woo," Sunghoon said with a smile. "Thank you; we all did a good job," Jake said with his red-tinted cheeks and a smile. Si-woo smiled as he little chocolate his cheek.

Sunghoon wiped the chocolate off with his thumb laughing finding Si-woo so adorable.

While Jake and Si-woo were eating the cookies, Sunghoon started talking to Si-woo about how he's going to take him to his favorite places. The doorbell suddenly rings, which makes Jake go toward the door to answer.

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