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Haneul parks in a parking spot as she unleashes the seat belt and gets out of the car, closing the door behind her as Jake does the same. He opens the back door to carry Si-woo with the straddle on his car seat.

Haneul and Jake walked inside the adoption center as they talked, and as Jake filled out the paperwork, the female worker had one question for Jake.

"Would you like to change the child's name or remain the same?" the female worker asked, patiently waiting for an answer with her legs crossed formally.

"No, I would like it to remain the same as Jeong Si-woo," Jake said without hesitation with the brightest smile on his face. Haneul was surprised; she doesn't know why she expected him to change it, which made her emotional to the core.

Haneul cried tears of sadness and joy. "Why didn't you change the name" Haneul said. "I want your child to know who you truly belong to," Jake said, giving her a hug with one hand since he's holding Si-woo with the other.

"Well, Jake, my child is giving to you now, but I have to drop you off and head back to the hospital," Haneul said. Jake nodded.

"Just remember he will always be your child," Jake said. Haneul smiled and nodded. "I will always remember," Haneul said.

Haneul signals him to let's get going, and as they do so and fasten up, making sure they are safe, they head back to the location of the cafe.

Jake places the baby in his Mercedes-Benz car and buckles the seat belt around his seat. Jake and Haneul hug goodbye, but Haneul has almost forgotten all the baby stuff in her trunk.

She opens the trunk, as there is much stuff there. How did she fit everything in the trunk, my goodness. Jake helps her place the stuff in his car. The last thing was a teddy bear.

"My voice is in this teddy bear. I want him to feel that I'm always with him," Haneul said, trying not to cry. "Don't worry, he will. Don't forget, we will come visit you every chance we get," Jake said, smiling, and engulfed her with a hug.

Haneul and Jake broke apart from the hug. "Give him a bunch of kisses before you go back," Jake said. Haneul wasted no time doing so; she opened Jake's Mercedes-Benz back door and gave Si-woo plant kisses all over his face.

Haneul whispers, I love you," to her child; those were her last words to her son.

She closes his door and gives Jake one last hug. Haneul walks to her car and waves goodbye as she lets herself into her driving seat. Jake did the same. Jake felt like she was a close friend, but it made him sad that she didn't have much time.

Jake buckled his seat belt and looked back at Si-woo to see if he was ok, but he was sounded off to sleep with little snores leaving his mouth. Jake let out a smile and drove off from where they were.

Jake made it in the garage driveway, returned to his parents house, and parked his car. He got out to get Si-woo out of the car, and as he did so, he unlocked the front door and went inside.

Jake thought to himself that he should stop getting himself into trouble because he didn't want to be a bad influence on Si-woo.

He should by pass the feelings of wanting his parents attention.

Jake forgot that he had to get the baby stuff out of the car, so he told himself he would do it later. He put his keys down and sat on the couch, put the car seat on the floor, and unbuckled Si-woo out of the seat and held him.

Jake started playing with his fingers and kissing his little hands. Si-woo was such a cute little bean. Jake hears the door unlocked, seeing that his mom has made it home.

Her face shows that she is tired. She hands her thin coat up, not noticing Jake is on the couch with a baby in his hand.

When she finally noticed. Her eyes widened at the sight of Jake with a baby in his hands.
"Is that a baby in your hand" Mom said she couldn't believe her eyes.

Jake responds, "Yes, why do you care" as he couldn't control his eyes from rolling from being annoyed.

"Why wouldn't I care" Mom said, speaking in a light tone. Mom walks closer to Jake by the side of the couch. "Just go back to being busy with work and stop acting like you're concerned about me," Jake said, keeping calm.

"Jake, I don't want to be busy either, but I have to," Mom said with a tired voice.

"Oh, really" Jake scoffs as he gets up from the couch, walks towards his room, and opens his room. He places Si-woo on his bed, leaving pillows around him for safety. He walks out the door, closing it quietly.

Jake walks back to his mom and stands in front of her with an irritated look.

"I'm telling the truth, Jake; it's not like me and your dad want to be busy all the time, but we don't have a choice," Mom said, giving Jake a gloomy look.

"Give me a full-out reason why I should believe you as you and Dad have left me alone for three years in this house barely getting the attention and care I need," Jake said, raising his voice by shouting.

Mom jumped back as tears fell softly on her face. She never wanted things to turn out like this. "Me and your dad just wanted you to live in a nice home because of what me and your dad went through," Mom said.

"What do you mean about that" Jake said, waiting for his mother to reply.

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