17. ♡

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Jake and Sunghoon walk down the sidewalk passing stores and many other things. Sunghoon ask Si-woo does he want to be on his back and Si-woo said yes which made Jake smiled.

People past them smiling looking at them because they look like a family. One person had the courage to say it.

"You make a wonderful family" the elderly woman said smiling. Jake widened his eyes and blushed. Sunghoon laughs and smile and Si-woo did the same.

"Thank you Ma'am we do make a wonder family right Si-woo" Sunghoon said with a smile. Si-woo nods and smile. Jake blushed and hits Sunghoon on his shoulder which causes him to laugh.

The elderly woman smiled and told them to have a great day walking off. Jake shakes his head not really bothered about it.

They finally made it to the ice cream store. Sunghoon opens the door for Jake to go in first Jake did so and mumbled thank you.

"I'll pay" Sunghoon said getting out his wallet. "No I'll pay" Jake said stopping him. "No Jake it's my treat" Sunghoon said. "I don't care I want to pay" Jake said with a huff.

Si-woo and the workers was watching them
bicker. All Si-woo wanted was his ice cream so he patiently waits for them to stop.

"Why are you so stubborn Ms.Princess" Sunghoon said with a smirk. Jake stopped in his tracks and blush. Sunghoon took the opportunity to take out his wallet and handed the money to the worker.

"Looks like that cause you to be quiet" Sunghoon said with a smile. Jake looks down at the ground playing with his fingers.

"Si-woo what flavor you want" Sunghoon said. Si-woo got excited and waste no hesitation to answer.

"I want mint chocolate" Si-woo said. He loves mint chocolate him and his uncle Sunoo eats it all the time. Jake laughs and ruffles Si-woo hair. Si-woo smiled.

Sunghoon was not a fan of mint chocolate but if Si-woo wants it he gets it. "Jake what would you like" Sunghoon said staring into Jake eyes.

"Cookie dough" Jake said avoiding eyes contact from Sunghoon. Sunghoon looks down and chuckles and looks back up at the worker telling them to get Cookie dough.

"Are you not going to get you one" Jake said concerned. "No I'll watch you guys enjoy" Sunghoon said with a smile. Jake nods okay.

Sunghoon, Si-woo and Jake sat at the table by the window waiting on their ice cream. The waitress placed the ice cream on the table. Si-woo and Jake happily ate the ice cream.

Sunghoon just watch admiring the two people that's in front of him. Jake looks up as he feels like someone is staring at him and that was Sunghoon.

"Why are you staring at me" Jake said. "Nothing you're just so cute to handle" Sunghoon said with a smile. Jake blushes and looks down continue eating.

Jake doesn't know how many times he blush today but whatever how many times he bet that if someone saw him they would make a marathon.

Si-woo and Jake was finally done with their ice cream. Jake and Si-woo thanks him for the treat they enjoyed. The three of them walk out the store as someone notice a familiar person.

"Jake, is that you" an unknown person said with a smile. Jake turns around, confused, along with Sunghoon. Once Jake realizes who that person is, he speaks up. He was Jake's old middle school friend; they stopped talking after he moved away.

"You're Dae-hyun, right" Jake said with a smile. He nods, yes. "How are you, I can't believe you live here now," Dae-hyun said with a smile.

"I'm good, and me either," Jake said, laughing. Sunghoon and Si-woo give each other looks because it's like they've forgotten they were there.

Dae-hyun turned to Sunghoon, finally noticing, and gave him a dirty look without Jake noticing. But Sunghoon noticed, as did Si-woo.

"You're that famous race car driver, Sunghoon," Dae-hyun said with a not-so-polite smile. Sunghoon nods.

"I have a competition with you tomorrow, and I can't wait to see you there." Dae-hyun said, holding his hand out. Sunghoon shakes it, and Dae-hyun lets go and secretly wipes his hand on his pants.

Dae-hyun then notices Si-woo. "Hi buddy," Dae-hyun said with a smile. Si-woo turns around and hugs Sunghoon by the neck, burying his head into Sunghoon's neck because he is shy and also because he didn't like Dae-hyun; he gives off weird vibes.

"I don't like him," Si-woo said, whispering in Sunghoon's ear. Sunghoon laughs. "Me either," Sunghoon said, whispering back.

Jake and Dae-hyun were confused about what they were whispering about. "Don't worry, he is shy, but we have to get going; it was nice seeing you," Jake said with a smile. "You too," Dae-hyun said with a smile, and he walked off.

"What are you guys whispering about" Jake said, curious. "Oh, nothing," Sunghoon said with a smile. Si-woo secretly laughs. Jake just shakes his head.

Gifted Love ♡|JakehoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz