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Jake and Sunghoon walked into the animal shelter, and the helper told them they were more than welcome to go out and play with the dogs.

Jake was so excited to play with the dogs that he quickly went out the building door and saw the dogs walking around. The dogs came towards Jake and attacked him, making him fall on the grass as the dogs licked him on the cheek, making laughs come out of Jake's mouth.

Sunghoon sat on the bench and watched Jake have fun. "Si-woo would've loved coming here as well," Jake said. Sunghoon smiled and nodded.

While Jake was playing with the dogs, a white French poodle hopped on the bench and cuddled near Sunghoon. Sunghoon felt something touch him. He looked down and saw a French poodle dog cuddling near him.

Sunghoon smiled, petted the dog, and saw the pink collar with the name Gaeul. Sunghoon could tell that it was a girl. "Hi Gaeul," Sunghoon said, petting her. As Gaeul leans in, Sunghoon's touch

Jake saw and smiled as he yelled out. "It seems like the dog likes you," Jake said. Sunghoon looked up at Jake and nodded.

Jake continues playing with the dog as he lets them chase him. The dogs got tired, and it was time for them to drink and eat their food. Jake noticed a dog lying down by itself, looking lonely.

Jake walks over to the dog and sees the dog tag that says Layla. Jake crouched down and smiled as he petted her. "Hi Layla, how are you" Jake said with a smile. Layla raised her head with a smile on her face, looking at Jake.

Unfortunately, it was time for Sunghoon and Jake to leave. Sunghoon told Jake to go to the car; he would be behind him. Jake was sad that he had to leave. Layla as he saw her following him, and the helpers held her back to stop it.

They never knew Jake would be the first one to touch Layla; usually no one goes near her because she doesn't interact.

Sunghoon told one of the workers he would be back to get two of the dogs. He gave the worker money to not let anyone touch them. The worker shook their heads up and down and widen her eyes as she received 90,000 dollars to not let anybody touch the two dogs.

Sunghoon walked out of the building, heading towards the car, letting himself into the driver's seat, and closing the door.

Sunghoon looks at Jake with a smile. Jake smiles back as he thinks it was the best date he has had for the first time.

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"So, did you like the date" Sunghoon said nervously. "I loved it," said Jake with a smile.

"Good, I thought you would, but we will be eating in the car and going to the park to look at the stars," Sunghoon said. Jake smiled happily, as he couldn't wait.

Sunghoon drove to a nearby noodle restaurant and ordered what Jake liked. They gave the food out the window and handed it to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon drove off and headed to the park for them to eat and watch the stars. Sunghoon parked, reached in the bag, and handed Jake his food.

Jake didn't waste any time and put a fork of jajangmyeon noodles in his mouth. Sunghoon does the same with his noodles. They quietly ate their noodles; once they were done, they would get out of the car and look at the stars.

When Jake and Sunghoon were in the car, they both got out and stood in the grass, looking at the stars.

Sunghoon admires how he saw Jake's eyes lit up looking at the stars; he thought it was the perfect moment to ask Jake.

"Hey Jake, can I ask you something" Sunghoon said nervously. Jake looked away from the stars and looked at Sunghoon.

"You are the most loving, caring, and beautiful human I ever met. The way you smile and the way you look are more perfect than I can ever imagine. I never felt this way before, but with you, I don't mind feeling that way, so this is me asking the most beautiful person: Would you be my boyfriend, and I'll gladly be your knight and shining armor" Sunghoon said, looking serious in Jake's eyes.

Jake smiled as his eyes got teary, nodded his head, and hugged Sunghoon. "Yes, my knight and shining armor," Jake said with a smile.

Sunghoon smiled; he urgently wanted to kiss Jake. "Can I kiss you" Sunghoon said. Jake raised his head and nodded with a blush.

Sunghoon kissed Jake gently with love and let go. Jake blushed, as he did not expect anything to happen on a day like this. Sunghoon and Jake looked at the stars for a little bit more and headed back into the car. Then I went to Sunki House to get Si-woo.

They arrived there, got Si-woo, and then headed back to Jake's house. Jake had gone to unlock his door and then went back to the car to get sleepy Si-woo out of the car. Jake waved Sunghoon goodbye with a smile, as he was going to see him tomorrow as they planned to bake cookies together with Si-woo.

Sunghoon waved back and got in the car with Jay, who picked him up as his car was at home. Jay drove out of the driveway as Sunghoon told him all about what happened. He also told him he had one more job to do, which was to go back to the animal shelter.

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