// THREE //

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I was part of the last group to come into the breakfast room, entering with Ash, Jonny, and Ross. I went around and hugged everybody, then sat next to Harry.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, you," he began, but before I could ask, Claudia walked in and we had to split into groups: two sevens and a six.


I was on the red team, and we had to answer questions about each other. We walked along the trail until we saw the first two scarecrows and questions.

Q1. According to the group, who is most likely to believe a conspiracy theory?


We carried the scarecrow down the road and used the key on the back of Zack's name tag. Inside the chest, we found the next question. We then ran down the path to find two more scarecrows.

Q2. According to the group, who is the biggest sheep?


We went with Mollie. Unfortunately, the key didn't work, so we had to go back, retrieve the other scarecrow, and open the chest to get the question.

Q3. According to the group, who is the most popular?


We chose Paul, and it was correct. We then ran up to the field, and Claudia was stood in the middle with a scarecrow dressed like her. Behind her were rows of scarecrows.

"There were loads of scarecrows, and we had to rip their chests open to find gold coins," I said.

When we got there, the blue and yellow team were already there. I ripped open one of the scarecrows, and inside was a shield. I put it around my neck and continued looking.

Once the mission was finished, we had £8,000 in the prize pot.

"Three shields were taken. No one has to admit or say out loud," Claudia says. Zack raises his hand.

"I got one," I said.

Jasmine said, "Me too."

"Well done, you three are protected from murder."


"This is an incredible Sunday roast," Ross says as we're sat in the games room.

"Why have you not had Sunday roast before?" Diane asked.

"No, my mum always makes ones that are not the best, to be honest with you," he responded.

"Well, you'll have to come to my house then," Diane said.

"That's so cute," I told them before taking a bite.

"Would you like to have kids, Ella?" Diane asked me. "I know you're young."

"I have a little boy," I told them.

"Ah, really?" Ross asked.

"My original plan was to go as long as I could without mentioning my little boy, but when she asked, I couldn't not mention him," I smiled at the camera.

"Yeah, he's four."

"How old are you?" Evie asked me.

"I'm 21."

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