So he didn't want to get into his nerves , and stayed quiet. Rehaan made the employees work again on the same project as he stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

Going inside his office he stood in front of the glass wall of his office and crossing his arms he looked at the sun that was drowning it was peaceful, but his mind was in chaos.

After five minutes his PA came and informed him about the next meeting dismissing him he went to another meeting with his cold demeanor.

Other side ishita finally decided what she's going to say and taking a breath she called him, his phone rang but he didn't pick up, she again tried and this time his PA acknowledge the call but didn't give disturb him as rehaan was in meeting.

Ishita was going to try when she saw a child was peeking through the wall window and his parents were busy taking the pictures of the view she quickly went to him as that was very high and she was afraid the boy will fall.

She went to him as she pulled the little boy back but the boy parents saw this and thought that ishita was trying to harm so the little boy mom came running and taking the boy in her arms she pushed ishita a little but because of something ishita foot trip and she fell from the height the parents were shocked and afraid so they quickly ran away from their.

When ishita body fell on ground everyone around was startled and was shocked as they quickly called the ambulance ishita was lying in her own blood pool, seeing the commotion dhruv and divya were confused and normally they thought that the crowd was because their was any photo shoot or filming shoot so they went and tried to look dhruv was shocked as he quickly ran towards ishita divya followed dhruv as she was scared taking ishita in her arms he tried to make ishita eyes open but ishita was already unconscious because of blood loss.

The ambulance came and laid ishita on stretcher and took her to the hospital dhruv and divya was following the ambulance in dhruv car, divya was crying continuously.

Other side when rehaan got free from the meeting he came inside his office and sat on his chair, after two minutes, his PA came and knocked Rehaan replied with cold "come in".

His PA came inside and passed his phone on his table and said " Boss someone was calling you on your phone while you were in meeting so i didn't disturbed you".

Rehaan being annoyed as he didn't want to talk with anyone asked "who?".

"It was sameone name red" His PA replied not knowing who was red.

Hearing the name rehaan quickly took the phone and saw two missed calls he stood up quickly and tried calling the bell was ringing, he said to his PA "damn it bastard why didn't you tell me before?".

The line was ringing but no one answered rehaan was worried because ishita didn't called him after the marriage and here their is two missed call, he was worried even though he was upset with her but he never want to ignore her call.

The call went but their was no answer he thought ishita was angry with him now that's why she is not picking so he tried calling her again and this time after three rings someone picked her phone and it was dhruv voice not recognizing his voice rehaan asked in fury as he heard another man voice when he was calling his red,

"Who is this and why is this phone with you?".

Dhruv being worried answered "I'm dhruv ishita friend and she can't take this call right now so i answered her phone rehaan".

Hearing dhruv was enough to send his rage to another level and hearing she can't take this call, what does that mean how dare that bastard rehaan thought and yelled on call,

"The hell why can't she take my call give her phone back to her I want to talk to her right now you bastard".

Dhruv was already worried and hearing rehaan he got annoyed and said " She is in I.C.U damn it man stop yelling her condition is serious".

Hearing dhruv rehaan soul left his body he took some time as he ran outside of his office his PA was shocked and scared as he saw rehaan mood swings.


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