Chapter 7: The Reunion

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It was an hour past closing, and the students and gone home. The school premises were empty except for a couple of teachers. Grace sat on a low wooden bench at the grassy playfield when she opened up to her friend.

“Really?” Adanna whizzed in astonishment. She just couldn’t understand. “What is so special about that family? So, Ore wanted to marry you just to make you his maid abroad? How do you keep up with a man who has such an attitude? On the flip side, Ore's dad is excessively overwhelming. I’ll have to face him!”

About to go, Grace, who was patiently listening to all her rants, grabbed her by the wrist. “Don’t dip me into more trouble, Ada! They’ll hate me even more.”

Awe transformed into Ada’s eyes as she saw the fear in her friend’s response. “And why would they hate you? You should be the one hating them, not the other way around. They’re mistreating you because you have no one to stand up for you. Ore is just as useless as his looks. He claims to be your protector and he can’t even stand up for himself. Now, it does not matter whether you go to Canada. It’s a matter of your status in the Clifford family. You’re not married to their son yet, they treat you like trash?” Ada leaned closer and sat right next to Grace on the low, wooden bench. “Look at me, dear. If you marry into that wretched family, your father-in-law will bully you for the rest of your life!”

“I can endure anything for Ore. I just think he should have told me first.” Grace scrunched up her face. “At least, before the proposal.”

What? She gasped. “If he told you that you must quit your job, are you going to quit your job and go with him?”

Recognition dawned on Ada’s face when she saw Ore walking in their direction. “How dare he come here?” She snarled at him like a snake about to devour its prey. Of course, Ore had a calm face, but he had a knack for causing trouble.

“No, don’t do that!” Grace warned. She knew Ada could scratch out his eyes with her bare nails. She could be defensive to a fault.

“Just stay here,” Ada whispered and stormed to Ore.

Her expression hardened as she reached for him. “Hey, Mr. You can’t come here emotionally blackmailing my friend! You know she has a soft heart and you’re taking advantage of that. If you make her cry again, I will hit you so hard,” she raised her balled fist to his face as if to punch him, but she had second thoughts. She knew he loved Grace as well. 

Glancing at Grace from a length, sadness clouded her features. It was evident in the way he gazed in Grace’s direction. Ore’s vision went blank. Everything around him was invisible, except for Grace. Tired of the situation, she walked out of them, giving the lovebirds space to chat.

Ore read her dulled expression and walked straight to Grace. “I’m sorry, my love. It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you. We still haven't decided to go abroad. It’s my dad pushing me to go for my Ph.D. I want to get a job here and build a home with you. I was certain I would find a job... You know how my dad is.”

“So your dad agreed that we get married just to get you a free maid?”

“Don’t sound so harsh.” He corrected. “It’s my dad you’re talking about.”

“Well, that’s the truth.”

“I know my dad has selfish intentions, but why doesn’t he fix me with another girl on his list? Truth is, he sees you as a daughter.”

“You’re a top student in PLASU. I just read about it on the internet when your dad told me yesterday. You didn’t. I understand if you are a closed book, but please, open up more to me. That way, we will understand ourselves better. And what happened yesterday would have been avoided. I know I’m only an O' Level certificate holder and I’ve never even stepped into a university. I’m working today by mere luck and I’m grateful to God for that. Hopefully, someday, without anyone’s help. I would save up for university. Study and become a graduate. Maybe I’ll be able to belong somewhere or find genuine happiness in someone, too.”

“Grace.” Ore stopped her from uttering any more words. His hands held on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes carefully. “I have already told you that in my heart, you’re the best. You don’t need to impress me with educational qualifications, beauty, or hard work. I want to live and work for you. You also know, my dad is a retired general. Although chaotic, he remains my dad. He agreed to our marriage which is rear of him, but it’s a dream come true to me. He’s forcing me to take the scholarship”

“So, what about our marriage?” Grace mumbled, looking away to avoid his deep stares. “Do you think we should get married before your travel?”

His face brightened at her question. “You’re wiser than you look.”

Grace pulled out of his grip with seriousness in her eyes. “Oreloluwa! This will make it tougher for me. If we get married and you leave, when would we meet again? After two years? If we get married and you don’t go for that scholarship to Canada. Your dad will blame me.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t happen. I will do only what you decide for me.”

“Okay, let’s make a deal.” She faced him closely. “I’m not going to Canada because I love my teaching job. My English isn’t so good and I don’t understand French. I can’t go through the stress of relocating. I’d love for you to study for two years and come back to me like you always do. Hopefully, by then, I’ll be able to enroll in a university.”

Ore held her tender hands into his. “I want to marry you as soon as possible to make myself feel at ease. I can’t bear the thought of leaving you again, Grace. If you doubt me while I’m in Canada, that means you’ll run away with another man here and I don’t want that.”

Grace blushed hard at his words. “What if you elope with a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes?

“I definitely won’t!” Ore declared at once, and Grace looked up at him.

The bitterness in her eyes sweetened with hope. It melted her walls when Ore shared an infectious smile. “Hope I didn't create too much trouble?”

“Not really, my love. It was all my fault, though I barely slept a wink last night.” He uttered, his hands clung to hers and pulled her closer. Grace wrapped her arms around Ore’s slender body. Her chest rested on his chest as her smile deepened.

“Grace.” He mumbled, holding her firmly by the shoulder. “When we get married, you can do whatever you want, okay? My parents would accept you whether they like it or not. And I promise to be a transparent partner.”

Author's Note:

Firstly, I apologize for the late update. Secondly, I wanted to add a little more mystery to the end of this chapter, but let's not break hearts now. I hope you enjoyed reading. Thirdly, do you believe in Ore's words? In the last paragraph? Read the next update to find out what mystery unfolds next.
Don't forget to vote, share, and comment on this chapter. Have a blessed day ahead.

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