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" bummer ", Oliver says as he walks out. I then shyly walk out behind him. " so what are we going to do now ?", Venetia asks us. I shake my shoulders as all of us look at each other. " I don't know. How about we just watch a movie or something ", Felix says. We all nod and go to the movie room.
Fairleigh takes a seat in the armchair while Felix takes a seat in the couch. Oliver takes a seat beside Felix and Venetia beside Oliver. Where will I sit then?
" hey Y/n come and take a seat beside me and Oliver!", Felix says. I smile and nod. My feet then slowly walks towards them and take's a seat. " so what are we gonna watch then?", I ask them.
" I know I know!", Venetia says happily. We all look towards her. " what then?", Felix asks her. She goes to the box with the cd movies and picks out one. I couldn't see what it said on it but it was pink. " this one!", she says as she turns the movie towards us.
" no not that one !", Felix says annoyed. I laugh and nod. " Really Venetia, mean girls ?", Fairleigh said a little annoyed. Me and Oliver look at each other and laugh. " I think it's a good idea, actually ", I say happily. Oliver nods " me too".
" alright then, Mean girls it is", Felix says. Venetia happily goes to the tv and puts on the movie and then takes a seat beside Oliver.

We all laughed through the movie. It was really wholesome I must say. At times Oliver would crease circles at my hand. It was really cute actually.

" what now? ", I say tiredly while yawning.
" are you already tired ?", Felix says chocked. I nod.
" are you bored ?", Fairleigh then went in saying. I look at him with narrowed eyes. " no ", I say offended. " then why are you tired ", Fairleigh said.
" oh don't you start with me Fairleigh", I said defensively. He then began to laugh, " or what ". My feasts took a tight grip of the sofa as I said, " oh you will see". I then stormed off to my room. I slammed the door.

* knock knock knock *

" go away Felix !", I shout. The door opens. I grab a small pillow and throw it as I turn towards the person. " feisty today, are we ?", Oliver says as I meet his eyes. I roll my eyes at him as he takes a seat beside me. " what are you doing here ?", I ask him. He sighs as he places his arm around my shoulder.
" to see if your okay of course ", he says softly. I nod at him. " that move was shitty ", Oliver says angry. I nod, " yeah it was, and I'd rather try to avoid him now for a while". He nods at me with a smile . " that seems smart Y/n". I look up at him as he looks into my eyes. " your eyes are really beautiful ", Oliver says softly and quietly. My lips smile at his words. My eyes look away at the same time as well. " Thank you", I say softly. He then pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. " I won't let him treat you that way agin, if he does he'll end up in hell!", Oliver says angrily as his hand that was on the bed tightened its grip. I kiss his cheek before placing my head at his shoulder agin. " that's sweet of you Oliver ", I say softly. I then look up at him. He then begins to kiss my lips and my neck. I back away and place my finger on his lips." Oliver no not now ", I say softly. He comes closer to my face and cups my cheek.
" why not Y/n", he softly asks me. My eyes flick down to his lips and back up to his eyes. " you know why", I say. He sighs and looks away. " is it because of Felix ?", he asks me. I nod. " yeah", I answer him.
He looks back up at me and takes a hold of my finger was on his lip and brushes it away. " Oliver look, I just don't want my feelings to get hurt ", I say. He nods. " it's okay, I understand ", Oliver softly says.
" thank you Oliver ", I say softly. I kiss his cheek as I stand up and go out of my room.

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