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" hi you should watch where you're going", an angry voice said, no rather annoyed.
I looked up at the person as I groaned. He had blue eyes, and brown hair that looked very lovely. He had some glasses too, they looked cute on him to be honest.
" sorry I was busy", I said awkwardly as I laughed.
He held his hand out and helped me stand up on my feet. I smiled cheekily. " thank you, what's your name anyway". He laughed as he said " Oliver, Oliver Quick & no problem".
" sweet. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. I'm in a hurry but it was nice meeting you Oliver, see you around", I said while giggling and turning around from him.

I ran towards my dorm to unpack my things. Gosh there was much. I picked up one thing after another, and another after another and so on.
Gosh the sun has already started to go down. Bummer.
I changed into some nicer clothes and went to the dining hall.
" Y/n! Y/n ! Take a seat next to me, come here", I heard a familiar voice shout. My eyes widened and the smile on my face grew as I saw him.
" oh my gosh Felix, it's been years !!", I shout happily running towards him. I then take a seat next to him in between some ginger haired girl.
" Felix who is this, you never told us about her?", she said confused. I laughed a little awkwardly.
" you see this", he said while taking a hold of my shoulder. " this is Y/n, our parents are job partners so we grew up with each other. You see, we used to be friends. But we then grew apart, but we were really close ", Felix said as I felt eyes staring at both me and Felix. I scanned the area. Jackpot! Those familiar light blue/grey eyes and those glasses. Oliver. I smiled at him as he looked away. That was odd ? I think?
" anyways, will you introduce me to your friends, will you ?", I asked while giggling. He looked pleased.
" yes of course. The beautiful girl next to you is Annabelle, the guy opposite of you is my cousin Fairleigh, and the guy next to him is Leo. Lastly the girl opposite of Annabelle is Olivia", Felix said happily and hyped.
I smiled happily and laughed. " I don't think we've met Fairleigh, have we ?", I ask confused. He shakes his head." I don't think we have", he says.
" no no you actually have, do you not remember that time when you were at my family's place and we played hide and seek in the halls ?", he asked me disappointed. I laugh and shake my head.
" you actually don't ?", Felix said chocked. I laugh as I say," no sorry. But I wish that I did".
" anyways, are you coming to the party later today ?", Annabelle asks me happily. I nod. Of course I'm coming, I'm never missing a party. Especially not a party like this.
" when does it start?", I ask her.
" 23:45 ", Annabelle says happily. I nod.
After we eat we went back to our rooms. I went into the shower and felt the hot steame around me. As I went out of the shower I felt the cold flor under my feet, it felt like someone was watching me. I looked out the window and saw a silhouette, I looked away to check myself. But the minute I looked back the person was gone.
Well that was strange? It felt a little scary but I brushed it off .

I put on a short jeans mini skirt, white sheer stockings, a black tank top with some red heels. I added some silver whoops and put half of my hair up. Done!

" hi guys!", I shout happily while running down the stairs. Annabelle comes towards me and hugs me.
"Oh my gosh you look stunning!", I say happily. As we break the hug she says," you too!".
" come on!", Felix says as he drags me and Annabelle into the crowd. I look for Oliver in the crowd but he's no where to be seen.
" here take this ", Fairleigh said. I look at him confused. " just take it!". I sigh and take the pill. It didn't taste that badly.
After a few minutes I could feel my lips and mouth being dry. My legs walked to the table that had a bunch of drink. I took one of the drinks that tasted like shit, probably vodka.
I then went back to the crowd. Annabelle and Felix made out. Classy.
I went out of the crowd and saw that familiar looking guy, agin.
" oh my gosh! ollie! ", I say happily as my arms take a hold of him.
" hi Y/n, you okay ?", he says awkwardly. I nod. " you don't look fine", Oliver said softly.
" my head hurts but it's fine", I say laughing. He shakes his head. " you're obviously not fine ", he said.
" anyways I need to go now, otherwise they will be wondering where I went. Bye Ollie", I said as I kissed his cheek. My legs then ran towards Felix and the others.
" where were you?", Fairleigh asked judging me.
" I just talked to this guy named Oliver, he's cool", I said. He just rolled his eyes.
" anyways me and Annabelle are busy, seya later", Felix said as he and her went away.

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