Hide & seek

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It's been two weeks since that incident in the bathroom with Oliver. I can't stop thinking about it, and whenever I do it makes me feel aroused. It's the beginning of July now, and it's incredibly hot. Thankfully they have air conditioners in the house.
Today we aren't doing anything special, at least not of what I'm aware about.

" Hello Y/n are you deaf", Venetia says as I turn to my right to look at her. I put on a forced smile as I say, " sorry Venetia, what were you saying". She groans as she rolls her eyes. " I was saying, are you coming to the pond with us or not?". My eyes look from her eyes onto Oliver's and Felix's. I then look back at Venetia. " yes of course ", I say. She smiled excitedly. " come on then! Let's met up in about 15 minutes or something", Venetia says. We all nod at her.
I better run then.

When I was inside my room I quickly changed into a baby pink bikini. The bottom had ribbons on the sides that could be tied, so did the top on the back.
As I was done changing into my bikini I took my hair tie and throw my head upside down and tied my hair into a messy bun. Then I quickly put on some lip balm on my lips, and my sun glasses, and my sandals. Done!

I quickly rushed down the hall, I turned right, then left, then down the stairs and left agin and left agin, finally I was outside. Not all that was left was heading down to the pond.
When reached the pond I found Venetia laying on the small bridge, Felix & Oliver laid by each other while Fairleigh floated on a donut in the pond.
My feet walked towards Venetia and took a seat close the her.
I took out my ciggies and took one out. I placed it in my mouth as I lit it up. " can I have one ", Venetia asked demanding while she lay on her back. I went on my knees like a 2 year old and handed her the cigarette and lit it for her. As I went back not looking up I felt eyes on me. It was Oliver. I gave him a sweet smile. He returned one back. I then laied back and relaxed.
I was supposed to feel chill, but I couldn't. My muscles were tensed. It felt like I couldn't be myself. I looked up and noticed Oliver still staring at me. Can he not? It makes me feel uncomfortable, it's starting to get to much. But it feel's scary to tell him, not to stare at me. I Better just wait it out.
" guys let's go inside, we can play hide and seek like we did when we were kids ", I say while smiling.
Venetia takes off her glasses and looks at me with wide eyes, Felix smiles at me while Oliver doesn't react and Fairleigh just looks at me with a judgy face.
" that would actually be fun", Venetia says. I giggle as I nod at her. " yeah she's right, that's a really great idea!", Felix says. Fairleigh rolled his eyes. He then said, " really? That's childish". Felix and Venetia eyes him. " what ?", he says offended. Oliver smiles a little, " I think that's actually a great idea". I smile as I stand up. " it's settled then! Let's go and change into our clothes and meet up outside Felix's room", I say while walking away. They all nod. " yes ma'am!", Felix says which made me giggle.
We all then walked back to our rooms to change.

I changed into some short low waisted jean shorts & and a baby pink tank top. My eyes looked at my reflection and felt that something were missing. So I put on some white see through sheer thigh highs and black converse, and some gold whoops & necklaces. Almost done! I braided my hair into two parts and I was done.

I then walked out of my room and closed the door and went down to Felix's room being met by Oliver, Venetia & Fairleigh. " hello", I say as I walk down towards them. " hi", Venetia says as Oliver and Fairleigh just give me a friendly smile. At the same time Felix came out. " sup", comes out of his mouth. We all began to giggle. " who is the seeker ?", Felix asks us. " not me", I say. Venetia then says the same thing, Fairleigh and Felix repeat us. " I'm sorry mate, I guess it's you Oliver ", Felix says as the rest of us giggle. " count to 180", Venetia says as we all began to run away.
I could feel my heart beating fast as my feet run as fast as they ever had up until now. Where am I supposed to hide? What about this room! No Felix went in there and those others two rooms probably hides Venetia & Firelight. Fuck no. I ran and I ran and ran and ran until I found a storage room. In the room there is a some kind of closet. I stood up with my back aginst the wall with the old clothes covering my face while I closed the door. All that I need to do now is being quiet and not move or make a sound.

It has probably went by like 100 seconds or something and I doubt that Oliver will find me first. If anyone it's probably Venetia.
* slam! *
I guess I talked too soon. " Y/n Y/n, come out whoever you are!", Oliver said as he harshly opend a curtain. He then walked a little closer to me. " you can't hide from me forever!", he said as he slammed something that sounded like a table. He then became quiet. No voice and no sound of him. Nothing. Until, I could hear one step, and one step more and two steps more coming closer to me. The door then harshly opened. I jumped at him. " awh did I scare you Y/n", he said as he took a grip on the side of my face and neck. I nodded. He began to laugh and giggle. I felt a little ashamed to be honest. Why does he always like to make me feel ashamed ?
" it's nothing to feel embarrassed or ashamed of hun, come on now", he said as he took a grip of my wrist and led me out of the closet. We then went to door and out of the room. He let go of my wrist and we were met by the others. " it's my turn then!", Felix says as he turned around. We all began to run different directions. Everyone went into a room. I still hadn't found a hiding spot. My eyes then widened as I saw Oliver. He ran towards me and took a hold of my wrist and covered my mouth as I was about to say his name. He took me into a room with another door inside. It was quite small. Our faces nearly touched each other & I could feel his skin on mine. His hand slipped onto my waist. I didn't mind so I let it be there. I then came closer with my face and placed my lips on his. His other hand then took a hold of my throat as his face and lips pressed aginst me. My hands pulled him closer by his neck and head. His grip then tightened a little by my throat. Our lips then separated as we drooled over each other. " Why are you doing this to me. You're making me go mad for Y/n", Oliver quietly whispered in a flirty tone . I smiled and kissed him on his cheek. He then kissed me back and placed his hand back at my throat. " oh really, I do?", I whispered back at him flirtatiously . I could feel him nod. " indeed you do. You're a really really good girl Y/n. And do you know what happens with good girls ?", he whispers in my ear. " no", I whisper back in his ear. He kisses my lips down to my neck. " they get punished", he says at the same time as the door opens. Thank goodness Oliver took away his hands from me as Felix opened the door.
" finally I found you", Felix says.

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