Chapter 1: Best Friends Forever

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sorry, mother." Lydia said sadly. She looked back as her mother walked her back to their cottage. "Mother, what are pirates?"

"Pirates? Where did you hear that word? Did somebody say they'd seen some?"

"No some of the villagers said they seen pirates behave more than me..."

Her mother was cross hearing this, but she smiled, "some people see pirates as baddies who drink too much rum, steal money and get into lots of fights. But others see them as brave adventurers who aren't afraid of breaking rules. Either way, they spend most of their time out at sea. On ships. Like sailors."

"Those type of pirates sound cool. I mean...if they don't do all those bad things. If I was a pirate I would be more like my hero Robin Hood."

Her mother chuckled, "yes well lots of people thought he was a baddie too, as he did break the law and steal. But you wouldn't want to be a pirate, sweetie. Most people fear them."

"...well what about nice pirates?" She asked.

"They're not so well known. Although pirates are fair. Did you know they have to swear by a code and any treasure they find it gets shared out equally with the crew? Even the royal navy and the marines don't pay the cadets wages."

"I never knew that," the little girl said.

Once home she got into her room undressed and went to take a bath. Her mother washed her dress and sighed since this was the 10th time this week she dirtied up her clothes.

Lydia giggled at she popped bubbles in her tub. She didn't have many friends sadly. All the kids in the village thought she was weird. Which made her pretty sad.

Once cleaned, she got dressed in new clean clothes and went back out, "I promise I won't get dirty again, I will just go by the beach, mother."

Lydia skipped happily down the path to the beach when she stopped and heard a bunch of boys laughing and picking on another boy

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Lydia skipped happily down the path to the beach when she stopped and heard a bunch of boys laughing and picking on another boy.

"Ow! Get off!! I've already told you it's not a FAKE!!" the young blue haired boy lashed out at the bigger boy who was pulling at his nose.

"You look like a clown, you should be in the circus!!" Another boy laughed, "yeah with all the other freaks!!"

"I'm not a clown, I'm a PIRATE!!!"

They all laughed not believing him. One of them then stole his hat and threw it into the ocean.

Lydia was angry and went up to them, "Hey! Leave him alone!"

They all stopped and stared at her, "oh it's the weird girl."

"Leave him alone," Lydia ordered.

They all then laughed, "yeah so what are you gonna do about it?"

"If you want to pick on a weirdo pick on me. Not him!" She frowned. The young teenage boy was in shock, why would she say something like that?

"Okay then. Fine!" They dropped the boy and headed for her.

🏴‍☠️~My Captain~ 🏴‍☠️ Buggy x OcWhere stories live. Discover now